Overview of Work Over the Break

During our break from class, you will have two assignments. One will be a project. The information for this project is posted in the previous post.

Additionally, you will have an open-book exam to complete during class time on Thursday, October 13th. You will need to visit our OpenLab class site at 11:30 that morning and download the test. (It will not be available before that time.) Complete it and turn it in before the end of class that day (1:00 pm) to receive full credit.

Your vocabulary log is also due on the 18th. Look in the documents section at the top of this page for information on what is expected.

Please pay close attention to the CityTech Academic Calendar in the coming weeks, as classes are not being held on some days while other times the schedules are changed, and it is your responsibility to know where you need to be on which day.

iCivics Game Homework

For this assignment, you will play a game online, upload the screen showing you’ve completed the game, and give a short summary and response of the experience, all as a comment to this post.

Step 1: Go to https://www.icivics.org/games and play any game on the site. (Scroll down on the site for more options.)

Step 2: Play a game all the way until the end, then, screenshot your results.

To take a screenshot, hit this button:


This will take a picture of everything on your screen, so hide anything you don’t want to be shown. I just need to see the game.

Step 3: Then, go to a photo sharing site such as http://imgur.com/ and upload your image.

If you use Imgur, just click the green “New Post” button at the top and you can right-click and hit “paste,” use Ctrl + V, or browse to find or drag the image you saved on your computer to the box.

Step 4: Then, once you have uploaded the image, there will be a link on the right side of the page with a button saying “copy.” Hit that button and paste the link you get as a comment to this post.

You may use a different photo sharing site, but you cannot ask for my help in uploading using different sites, because I am not familiar with all of them.

Step 5: In addition to the link you provide, do the following:

Tell us what game you played and summarize your experience playing. What choices did you make? How did they affect the game?

Respond to the experience explaining whether you think you did well or poorly, why, and how something specifics in this game has expanded your knowledge of its subject matter. How has this game affected your understanding of politics or civics?

This is due by class time on Thursday, September 29th.

Unit 1: Chapter 4 Homework

After reading Unit 1: Chapter 4 of Urban Reader for College Writers, answer both of the following questions as a comment on this post:

What is your reaction to neighborhood residents having decision-making power when it comes to traffic, noise, or business in their communities? What if not everyone in the community agrees?


What suggestions would you make to improve your neighborhood? Why would you change these things if you could?

Be as detailed and as opinionated as you like. You may speak about a personal experience, or just discuss the idea in general.

You must post a comment answering this question before noon on Sunday, September 25th. Leave a reply* to one of your classmates’ posts before class on Tuesday, September 27th.

*Note: Replies must be well thought out and complete sentences. Saying “I agree” is not enough. With what do you agree (or respectfully disagree)? Why? Do you have suggestions, additions? Be thorough.

NOTE: Read the below post to know what you need to do before class this Thursday, September 22nd!

News Article Homework (Due Thursday)

In addition to the homework in the next post, you also have some homework due Thursday, September 22nd I want to tell you about in advance:

Find a news article related to civics, politics, or government and cut it out or print it and bring it to class on Thursday.

There are many free papers available or you may print an article out online, but it must be related to the correct topic(s) and you must have a hard copy with you in class on Thursday. You will have a week to look out for an article of this nature, so “I couldn’t find one” is no excuse!


NOTE: You also have homework due Sunday/Tuesday which is outlined in the post below. Please continue to the next post and be sure to complete that homework as well.

Unit 1: Chapter 2 Homework

After reading Unit 1: Chapter 2 of Urban Reader for College Writers, answer either one (not both!) of the following questions as a comment on this post:

The CIRCLE reports that “80% of students in the study were encouraged in the classes they took to form their own opinions regarding [politics or government].” What is the benefit of students being able to form their own opinions regarding political issues?


What might be some disadvantages of all students in the United States taking the same civics course? Explain and illustrate the potential disadvantages.

Be as detailed and as opinionated as you like. You may speak about a personal experience, or just discuss the idea in general.

You must post a comment answering this question by noon on Sunday, September 18th, and you must reply* to at least one post by a classmate before class on Tuesday. You may feel free to post as many times and as much as you like beyond the minimum requirement. Have fun with it!

*Note: Replies must be well thought out and complete sentences. Saying “I agree” is not enough. With what do you agree (or respectfully disagree)? Why? Do you have suggestions, additions? Be thorough.

Unit 1: Chapter 1 Homework

After reading Unit 1: Chapter 1 of Urban Reader for College Writers, answer the following question as a comment on this post:

Do you support the call for more civics in the classroom?

If yes, how do you propose we add it to the curriculum, keeping in mind the important classes students are already taking and the eight-hour school day?

If no, why not? Why not? What suggestions do you have to maintain a civics-educated population without school instruction? How do you suggest educating our population about civics without classroom instruction? Explain.

Be as detailed and as opinionated as you like. You may speak about a personal experience, or just discuss the idea in general.

You must post a comment answering this question by noon on Sunday, September 11th, and you must reply* to at least one post by a classmate before class on Tuesday. You may feel free to post as many times and as much as you like beyond the minimum requirement. Have fun with it!

*Note: Replies must be well thought out and complete sentences. Saying “I agree” is not enough. With what do you agree (or respectfully disagree)? Why? Do you have suggestions, additions? Be thorough.

Note: Don’t forget your vocabulary log, which will be due at the end of the unit.

Reminder about Books

Additional Note:
These are the books you need for this class. Buying them is a requirement:

Urban Reader for College Writers, 1st ed;  L. Grujicic-Alatriste, Kendall  Hunt Publishers
and the Reading and Vocabulary Workbook.

You are required to have these books in class by September 13th. 

Tuesday, August 30th – Welcome!

Welcome to the class blog! Occasionally I will upload documents on the blog here. I might also use Open Lab to alert you to a canceled class or about extra credit, so having an account is very important (and, besides that, is a requirement of this class)!

Today’s assignment is listed below. Please note that I will often upload assignments here or list them for your convenience. I will also list homework here. The homework directions will always be clear and complete and include a due date. To receive full credit on assignments and homework, you must follow all directions and turn it in on the due date.


  • Join the OpenLab.
    https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/ is the OpenLab website.

  • Join our class page
    • You can search by clicking courses on the main OpenLab page and then on the far right, search for the keywords: ESOL 022R Fall).
    • Click what comes up and then join the site.
    • From there, you can click Visit Course Site or follow the link directly to the blog above and:
  • Comment on this post with
    1. Your name (and nickname, if you would prefer to be called by one)
    2. What type of reading you like the most (fiction, nonfiction, magazines, sci-fi, etc)
    3. What you find most difficult about reading

When you create an OpenLab account, it will ask you to fill out some information about yourself. Please use your actual name or nickname given in class as your display name.

After you create an account, don’t forget to add the course and comment on this post by clicking the grey words saying “leave a reply” at the top!

This assignment is due by the beginning of class next Tuesday, September 6th. No credit will be given to posts made after 11:30 am on Tuesday. 

Additional Note:
These are the books you need for this class. Buying them is a requirement:

Urban Reader for College Writers, 1st ed;  L. Grujicic-Alatriste, Kendall  Hunt Publishers and the Reading and Vocabulary Workbook.