Deans and Transcripts and the Bursar, oh my: College Vocabulary
Session Objectives:
- To develop awareness of vocabulary unique to college life
- To identify various resources found on the college website
To Do Before Class:
Join class at 10:30am or 4:30pm after completing this asynchronous assignment:
- Look through the City Tech website.
- Find three pages that have information that you want to know more about.
- Create an email to me (using your City Tech email account) that includes a link to each of the three City Tech webpages you are curious about and a question for each page that asks something specific that you would like to know. Here is an example:
- I found the “ask a librarian” page, it seems helpful, what have students who have used this page said about it?
- My email address is
- City Tech website search discussion
- Review of Vocabulary
- Vocabulary Stories
To Do After Class:
Add PLAN Week and Connect Day, New Student Welcome to your calendar.
- PLAN Week
- Prepare and Locate An Advisor Now November November 1-November 5
- Connect Day, New Student Welcome
- Thursday, September 2, 2021, 12:45-2:00
This material I believe will be extremely beneficial because knowing your vocabulary words will help you and your specific career field major or even in class as well as communication skills in general it’s also crucial to stay informed about what your school has to offer
It’s great that you find the material beneficial! It should help your communication skills because it helps you stay informed where to go if you need help. City Tech has a lot to offer so I hope that you can take advantage of that.