Category Archives: Learning Logs

Final Evaluation

This class has been extremely useful to me. I have considered myself a photographer since I was in high school, but I didn’t really understand any photographic terminology.

I’ve found that throughout this course I’ve actually come to appreciate and make use of composition and lighting, things that I didn’t give a second thought to before. Because of that, I find that my pictures nowadays are a lot better and actually have some degree of artistic merit.

I’m also glad I learned about the Camera Raw feature in Bridge. Seriously, I had no idea Bridge was that useful, or that it even had a use. I honestly used to think it was bloatware.

But mainly, what was most important to me was learning how to manipulate my finicky, cheap point-and shoot camera in creative ways and making it work for me. Discovering the macro feature on that thing is the single most important thing I’ve learned about it. I will exploit it to death.

As a designer, I feel like this class is the one that finally taught me to appreciate composition and its relevance in the design field as a whole. Composition is one of the most (if not THE most) important thing to understand when you’re a designer, so I feel like I can put this newfound knowledge to good use. Also, I’m almost certain that my growing ability to take decent pictures will come in handy at some point in my career. It’s always good to have multiple talents.

I feel like this course could seriously be expanded to teach students how to take good indoor shots at home, and overcome the limits of not having professional photo equipment lying around. While outdoor photography isn’t too hard to master, indoor photography presents a whole new set of challenges for those who aren’t used to manipulating lighting and camera settings. Basically what I’m saying is that most indoor shots I see are shoddy, and I’d love to learn how to make it work when I have a cheap camera and limited lighting.

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Final Evaluation

Take stock of the semester. What were the most important things you learned about photography in this class? List and describe three at least three. How will this help you in your career development? What would do you think could be expanded or added to the course to improve it? Please make at least one suggestion.

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This is my favorite photo from todays assignment. I really like how we were able to capture Kiefer jumping and how he used the scarf as a jumping rope. In addition to that his face expression and lighting work really well, it looks like he’s actually putting effort into it.

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(I just noticed that I never hit the send button on this post, sorry about that!)

Ming Yin’s primary suggestion for me was that some of my photos were too dark.  Some of the photos that he commented on were taken at very fast shutter speeds to intentionally make the photos dark, he felt that some were too dark.  I think that part of that is the monitor that they were viewed on since they didn’t look as dark on my computer at home.

I will be more conscious of the lighting and shutter speeds that I use and in the choosing of the photos that I post.

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Filed under Learning Log-Final Project

Learning Log – FInal Project – Suggestions

My partner suggested that I look out for glare and to work on framing the subject properly.  Also I should take more pictures using the macro setting and use the narrow and deep focus to give depth.  I’m going to go out and take more pictures this week and focus on framing and avoiding glare.  I will also work towards visiting more locations for longer periods of time so that my best pictures don’t all come from one place.

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Partner suggestions and feedback-Final Project 1

My partner suggested that my pictures should show more sun. I agree with my partner and I also think my photos should be clearer. I feel that my photos doesn’t show much of awful and fantastic then it suppose to. This week, I will find a location that has lots of sun and take photos that tells a story with other objects rather then just taking photos of buildings.

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Final Project Shoot 1 Suggestions

This morning in class today, we had to partner up and critique shoot one of our Final Project. The advice my partner gave me was to not edit the sky in one of my photos. I am going to go back with the original photo of the trees and blue skies. Other than that, she really liked my photos, especially of the different tree branches and the night sky.

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Learning Log: Final Project

Working with Regina, we took a look at some of the pictures we took.
She particularly liked the one with the oranges, with its colorful contrast from the drab gray behind it.

I’ve been meaning to work with the theme of bifurcation, and I’ll make use of this type of contrast in order to invoke a feeling of ‘hope’ or a ‘light after the tunnel’ kind of thing.

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learning log 8 – final project (Regina Torres)

Today I worked with Melissa, and one of the suggestions she gave me for the next shoots is to continue shooting in shallow depth of field, and close ups on the subjects. She also really liked the fact that some of my pictures were taken at night time, and therefore she recommended me to keep on doing that as well. Therefore, this week I will focus on taking more shallow depth of field pictures, and maybe even taking some pictures during the night time so it can create an interesting contrast of both, mood and colors.

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Learning Log 7 – Painting with Light

I think that this picture was one of the strongest pictures that my group and I took because of the lighting and the overall idea. It took us a few tries to get a decent shot, but it was really fun trying out different ideas for a good painting with light photograph.

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