Teaching Strategy Tip #16

Explain Goals for Performance*

Strategy: Providing explicit goals and criteria for performance

Objective: Prevent students from misinterpreting criteria or misunderstanding goals in what they need to do and learn


  • Provide concrete or directive instructions:
    • Recognize when a key concept is at issue
    • Explain the key concept to solve problems or understand a process
    • Explain the key concept to a particular audience
  • Create a rubric and share it with students.
    • Include the levels of the quality of work produced and
    • Extend students’ knowledge of the qualities associated with good work

Source: http://fc.short.cm/ExplainGoalsForPerformance

Continue reading Teaching Strategy Tip #16

Teaching Strategy Tip #31

Fostering Learning Through Interaction

Adsit (2011) provides tips for lectures that are engaging, informative and participatory.

Audience Engagement and Interactivity
Audience attention wanes after 12-20 minutes. Design your class sessions with “activity breaks” to allow your students to process, review and apply the material that you present.

You might:

  • Ask a question or pose a problem to be solved individually
  • Have students work in pairs or trios on a problem or discuss a question
  • Use a video or film clip to illustrate the topic
  • Present a case study for discussion

Source: ​http://fc.short.cm/FosteringLearningThroughInteraction

Continue reading Teaching Strategy Tip #31

Teaching Strategy Tip #32

Student Self-Evaluation of Discussion

Tip: Student Self-Evaluation of Discussion Participation (Brookfield & Presskill, 2007)

  • Distribute these questions to participants and have them complete these. Discuss with participants whether you as the instructor will see the students’ responses. The questionnaires are to be completed anonymously.
  • What ideas, questions or information did I contribute to the discussion today?
  • How did I try to encourage another student to speak today?
  • What did I learn from the discussion today? (New information, a new understanding of something already covered, an idea to follow up after the discussion, etc.)
  • How did I make connections between what different people were saying today?

Source: http://fc.short.cm/StudentSelfEvaluation