Teaching Strategy Tip #40

Designing Tests

Key concepts to designing tests (Reed, 2002) include. Good test questions:

  • Address course objectives, material taught in class, and important skills and concepts
  • Provide complete, consistent, and unambiguous instructions
  • Present only one correct answer when only is called for
  • Are easy for all students to understand
  • Do not emphasize the trivial and do not ‘trick’ the students
  • Have the correct answers randomly arranged throughout the test for multiple-choice tests
  • Don’t provide signals or cues to eliminate incorrect answers
  • Highlight a negative word, such as not, to avoid confusion
  • Give students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned, not memorized; and
  • Are used to review and reinforce learning (Reed, 2002, p. 31).

Source: http://fc.short.cm/DesigningTests

Teaching Strategy Tip #45

Planning a Place-based learning visitTeaching tip #45

Click to view PDF with information on effectively using site visits.

Also, visit CUNY Arts to see the many New York City cultural venues available to students for free or discounted admission.


Teaching Strategy Tip #37

Useful Resources for Students

Source: http://fc.short.cm/UsefulResourcesforStudents