Day 4

What did you learn today? I’ve learned about the inner workings of working in a team. That it’s important to look ahead and create contingency plans.

What challenges did you face? ( how did you plan to overcome the said challenge?) Today’s main challenge was turning intangible ideas into something more concrete within the span of one day and a few hours.

In what way were you able to help each? We were able to contribute and volunteer workable concepts to ensure that we got something to show before we leave the office.

Day 3

What did you learn today? I’ve learned about the FC Reproduction Team and the process of creating print pick up and delivery

What challenges did you face? ( how did you plan to overcome the said challenge?) Today’s main challenge was figuring out ways I could contribute to the group project. We were able to divide our responsibilities based on the various modes of communication we used to express our ideas.

In what way were you able to help each? w]We had essentially made the group into a safe zone for new challengable concepts, which allow us to remain focused on the task at hand as well as served to motivate us to succeed.

Day 2

What did you learn today? I’ve learned how to maintain a professional relationship with the clients; as well as the proper way to address them via email.

What challenges did you face? ( how did you plan to overcome the said challenge?) Today’s main challenge was working effectively on a deadline. I was able to complete my baseline design as well as communicative my concept through a series of sketches.

In what way were you able to help each? I’ve gained a new perspective in term of my color schematics through the very helpful critiques of my peers. This helped me to better understand how certain colors work with and against each other.

Winter Break Reflections

I learned different tools like the Shape Builder and Width Tool, which will really help speed up my work flow in illustrator. Learning to use the define patterns in illustrator and Photoshop will be great to create easy consumable work in textiles.

Flavor Paper is a new website I can look to to create patterns, and I’m eager to look at the links Kevin shared to learn more about accessibility.

I’d like to challenge myself in more animated illustration, such as working with gifs like I did with the FYP Pizza Party Postcard, but on a more complicated scale.

Day 6 Training Journey

Still working on our group project in today, I was so hard to pick colors on my name tags, I try to making all of four is different, but I can’t. Because black typeface is difficult to showing on the dark-blue background… Also, I finished the welcome banner for this event, it’s my first time to do this kind of design, so I put all of information inside of banner… And then, William told me that I don’t need put those informations, just need put the “Welcome” to it… LOL! I learned one more thing today > <

Tomorrow is last day of our training, and we need to presenting our creative project and group project. I hope everything will be OK!

Day 3 Training Journey

Today is a big challenge for me… I think I need to have a good sense of time management, timeframe of the project still a little bit short for me to catch up. I hope I can doing more better on next time. Also, I learned a lot of client information with William and Natalie, how to discuss the project with the client and how to print out our project in right size with crop mark. Of course, I also need to say “thank you” to the other new Faculty intern, Julie, she helped me a lot, and always explain something I don’t understand. We always try to give each other the ideas. I’m luck that can be a member of Faculty Commons design team.

Training Day 1- Ashley Valera- January 9, 2016

What did you learn today?

Today I learned more about our main audience and how to cater our posters to them. I also learned about making sure to keep the main copy just as important as any graphic elements while seeing if the elements are necessary. As well as looking out for small details.

What were your challenges?

Some challenges I had was placements of text and elements and where they went in relation to each other. Also had a challenge with time, being unable to complete a draft of my final concept, but I did have an idea of where I wanted to take it as I started.

How did you help each other?

We helped each other by explaining the reasoning behind why we liked some elements of the different designs. We went into what was or wasn’t working and how to improve on those things. We thought about what points out to use first and whether it worked with the hierarchy we went with.

Training Day 1 – Elijah Lugo – Jan.9th

What did you learn today?

What I learned today during my first training session with my new team, faculty commons, is not only how to work within a time limit but also how a project should be executed and what the expectations will be from my fellow co-workers and even the faculty who will be viewing are work every so often.

What were your challenges?

In the beginning me and some of the co-workers who were also working on different designs had a time limit and were expected to finish in time before break and we did. Later my challenges were understanding how exactly the project should be executed because i’m not used to this much freedom especially when re-designing a design. Usually the maximum freedom I’m allowed or that I allow myself is when I work on a self-initiated project at home on my own terms. But besides keeping track of time and working quick but efficiently my only challenges were the flexibility of my ideas and designs.

How did you help each other?

Me myself and my co-workers helped each other by critiquing each others work once finished which helped us expand our range of ideas and see what could work better within our designs. I believe this helped me and my co-workers because we can continue to improve our designs as we continue to work and think of ideas.


Arianna Bollers – End of Semester Reflection Fall 2016

  • Have you completed all your work (for the Fall 2016 semester) with your clients and closed all loops?
    Yes! I have complete majority of the work I set of to accomplish this semester including the projects with First Year Programs, Gender and Sexuality Studies, and the English Dept. I am glad to know that I will be continuing my stay at City Tech as a graduate working with First Year Programs to complete The Companion. I can’t wait to start working on the book. I am aiming for first year students to pay more attention to these books and use them throughout their school years at City Tech. All I need to do is send some holiday wishes.
  • Are you happy with your results with the work you completed this semester? What was your favorite project you got a chance to work on this semester?
    I definitely enjoyed all the projects I got to work on this semester. I enjoy working on projects that help professors send awareness about their classes and programs. I am also really looking forward to working on The Companion next semester.
  • How are you going to prepare for next semester during the Holiday Break? If you are departing from the team, let us know your plans for 2017.
    I am definitely looking forward to doing self curated and collaborate projects during the break and throughout 2017 and learning and practicing skills I already have.

Spring 2016 Mid Semester Reflection

What are your goals that you would like to accomplish by the end of the semester?

One major goal I would like to accomplish by the end of the semester is to achieve a well established online presence. Being a designer, it is essential to have an online presence. Especially being in this century, it is what puts you on the map without having to be on the other side of the world. The steps I plan on taking in order to accomplish this are develop business cards, create a portfolio, create a social media page dedicated to my work, and create my website. I am hoping that by having an online presence it will open doors to new opportunities and deem me worthy to those seeking design related assistance.