hello everyone some. of you may all ready know me but for the people that don’t my name is Edu Cuevas atenco I am 18 year old and I am form Mexican even do I grow up in the states it has not change a fact that I know where I come form I am very proud to be what I am. some hobbies of mine include playing video games, watch anime, playing soccer, baking form making sweets to even making bread. even do I have not had much time to do anything much more than work and go to school that reminds me. I work at a fast food place called shake shack on Bedford so if you are ever hungry swing by I would be more the happy to give anyone a discount as long as you do a small service just answering a few questions for me and that’s all. I also have only one younger brother he drives me crazy for so reasons don’t know the reason why he just does and it is out of no where to good luck have a good day hope to get along with all you guys and girls and so and so…