Week 12 – Wed. Nov. 17th


  1. Find a Mentor Publication. So if your genre is a blog, find an example of a blog that you like and want to model your piece after, or a news article, etc. NOTE, it can be one of your sources or one of the pieces we have read/ watched this year! Write a BRIEF description of what you like about the mentor piece and what text features/ genre elements you might use from it.
  2. Answer the following questions about YOUR Genre! Be as specific as possible. If you can start to add examples and specifics it will help you with the drafting and writing process. That is going to be the next step.

The key elements of my genre are …. An example of my genre is …. (**FIND OTHER EXAMPLES**

In order to write an example of a ____ , I would have to include ____. 

The tone should probably be ____  because ___. 

I would / would not include images. I would / would not include facts / statistics….

I would / would not include expert opinions and quotations. 

I would/  would not include text features like headings, bold print, italics, etc. 

DESCRIBE whether you would INFORM your audience about your  issue or PERSUADE them to see your point of view or ENTERTAIN them…

What is the MAIN message or KEY point you want to get across?


  1. Christopher Lopez

    The key elements of a social media post are audience, message and communication.

    In order to write an example of a social media post I would have to include a statement intended for a certain audience or just a message you’re trying to get across.

    The tone should be serious but positive because you’re trying to send a message through social media.

    I would include images cause they are attention grabbers and include statistics because if more people know them it can cause change.

    I would not include expert opinions because people don’t care what other people think.

    I would include text features because that can also grab the reader’s attention.

    I would inform my audience rather than persuade them because people should do what they think they want after reading piece.

    I want people to learn that even though there are both pros and cons to gaming, our actions decide what experience we have.

  2. ngawangtenzin

    The key elements of the blog are the good hook that gets the reader attention and strong points and relevant information

    The tone should be informal and formal because I will have an old and young audience.

    I would include images and facts to prove my argument and change people’s opinions.

    I would include expert opinion to help support my argument.

    I would include text features like heading, bold prints, and italics to make my important points more noticeable

    I would like to persuade my reader by showing them my point of view and showing them facts.

    The main message is I want to change people’s perspectives on robots in the different work place and show people that they are benefitting from robots.

  3. Tehmina Imanat

    1) An example I found of a feature article is https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/03/24/instagram-kids-faq/. This article is a perfect example because it has all the key elements a feature article is supposed to have such as it is written by a journalist, it is straightforward, explores a topic, and combines facts and opinions.
    2) The key elements of my feature article are the facts and opinions, the narratorial conventions, and providing a perspective about the topic.
    I would have to include a story with a plot and then a conclusion
    The tone should probably be straightforward, formal, and professional because there will be emotions added in the feature article.
    I would include an image to attract my audience which will be parents.
    I would include facts/statistics because they will provide evidence to my audience.
    I would include quotes and opinions because it is a key element to the genre.
    I would include headings, bold print, italics and etc because it is important to have my feature article in the proper layout.
    I will persuade my audience with my topic and hope to open their eyes about an issue that will continue to take place if a change isn’t made.

  4. Shariffe Mckennon

    I really like the snowman as a mentor piece because it’s basically what I want to do with mine. A simple story in form about a particular issue, nothing else and nothing more. I like that it doesn’t dive into any other side story, just the snowman and his troubles.


    A key element of a poem is imagery, making the lines paint pictures in the head of the reader is great for story telling as the reader can get a visual sense of what’s happening, another is figures of speech, knowing where to place and use certain figures of speech is important in order to have proper structure. And example of my genre is the snowman by anonymous

    The tone would be comedic because I want my audience to laugh with my poem.

    I would not include images because I want my story to paint the picture for them with imagery. I wouldn’t include facts and statistics because it wouldn’t be a storytelling poem anymore.

    I wouldn’t include expert opinions because once again it would take my audience out of the poem because of random facts being tossed into the middle of the story. I don’t need any italics or bold headings because the story will explain the BIG BRIGHT issue by itself.

    I want to inform my audience about the topic because only they can stop their addictions. I can’t persuade or make them do it with a poem. I can only hope they can consider the option.

    The key point I want to get across is that only you can stop your addiction before it gets out of hand.

  5. Saida Akbarova

    1) https://www.unep.org/interactive/beat-plastic-pollution/ This is an example of an article that I really like and want to model for my piece after. I used this as my source in Project 2 and it is really great with the presentation going straight to one of the problems that catches the readers attention. The way they set it up was really good in getting readers attention and having them be concerned about what they are trying to address.
    2) -The key elements of an article is catching the readers mind by images or a big title. Example of my genre is https://www.ourlaststraw.org/about?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-eeMBhCpARIsAAZfxZDyalTy91qRnbRWDhz5CHyapiWBPwPYZUA9hKZWJQ1s1Vu7ueV9G6oaAvYIEALw_wcB
    -In order to write an example of an article I would have to included title or introduction or an image that catches the readers attention.
    -The tone should probably be concerned, passionate.
    -I would include images to catch readers attention, I would include facts so I can backup my statements.
    -I would include expert opinion and quotations to backup my statements as well.
    -I would include text feature’s because in an article it catches the readers attentions a lot faster.
    -I would inform my audience about the issue.
    -I want to get across main message in where people see harmful affects of plastic and how much it hurts our environment, animals and even us.

  6. Khalil Adams

    My mentor publication will be the Youtube channel wisecrack. What influenced me to pick them specifically is their style of writing, where the visuals are second in importance to the narrative that they are actually the audience, this allows people to understand the point they’re trying to get across, even without the video.

    The genre of writing I choose is Scriptwriting. Specifically as if I were scripting a Youtube video. In order to do this I will be writing with the idea of it being verbally spoken similarly to a speech.

    The key difference using a video script over a speech is the tone, Youtube is much more casual in its tone of dialogue than a speech would be.

    The tone should be lighthearted and comedic to keep readers or listeners interested and entertained without demoting the importance of my topic.

    I would include images or even a video to further embrace the genre

    I probably won’t include expert opinions and quotations.

    I would include text features like headings, bold print, italics, etc.

    I will be attempting to entertain my audience while persuading them to see my point of view.

    I want to try to teach a complex theme or ideal using an entertainment form of media, such as an anime or video game as the basis.

  7. Raveena Rambarran

    – This is an example of a mentor lesson that I want to model for my piece because the lesson is keeping both the students and teachers engage in the lesson. It gives a description of what I have to do for a demo class and how to keep it fun for the students and still keep it formal and educational for the teachers.
    – The key elements of a lesson are to scrip a lesson that will be both appropriate for teachers and interesting for students. The objective for a lesson is to teach and educate students on a topic, but it can also be educational for teachers.
    – In order to write a lesson, I have to make the objective clear and understandable, fun and engaging.
    – The tone of a lesson should be formal and educational but also engaging.
    – I would include images because some students tend to learn better with images then text. I will also include statistics to further the importance of the lesson.
    – I would include quotations from scientific research and from other sources because it will enforce my claim and make sure it is clear.
    – I would include text features like headings, bold print to highlight the most important parts.
    – I would INFORM my audience about the issue because it will be beneficial for them in class and they will be able to help their students.
    – The main message that I want to get across is to help teachers understand the importance of using technology that has been develop for students with learning disabilities more because it will facilitate their ability to learn.

  8. Travion Burke

    My Mentor Publication is speech -https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/17/us/florida-student-emma-gonzalez-speech/index.html

    The key elements of a speech is the introduction body and conclusion and we are suppose to make sure that we have a message to convey to our audience

    The tone of this speech should be informative and persuasive because my target audience would be world leaders os I must keep it professional and fact based.

    I would include both my opinion and quotations to prove my point, a speech is usually about how you feel about a topic with facts to grab the audiences attention.

    I will inform my readers about the topic I will be talking about and try to persuade them to make a change at the the same time or I might just bring it to their attention.

    The main message or key point I want to get across is that Plastic pollution is harming the earth and is becoming a worldwide issue.

  9. Noman Saleemi

    The key elements of a blog are having a strong headline, and strong subheadings. It must be appealing to readers. It needs a strong call to action and must be very informative.

    In order to write an example of a blog, I must keep in mind the description and the tone of the text, since the audience is focused on the younger audience.

    The tone should be informal since you are trying to get the attention of the younger audience

    I would include images and facts because the images is one of the factors which should be considered in making the blog more appealing and the facts help provide that supporting evidence to the claims you make in your blog.

    I would include experts’ opinion and citations to provide that supporting evidence to any of my reasoning and claims that I make in the blog.

    I would include headings and bold print because they make the blog more appealing to the younger audience and helps grasp their attention for a longer period.

    I would want to inform of the issue and let them make the decision on their stance of the issue because there are many different convincing views on this issue, and I want my essay to outline the different pros and cons of the issue in hopes that the reader will learn more about the topic from it.

    The main message or key point I want to get across is the reasons behind why college should be free and why it should not be free.

  10. Xenia Berkowitz

    mentor piece: what students are really thinking about online leaning
    The key elements of my genre are stating clea main ideas and staying bief. An example of my genre is the opinion section of the New York Times newspaper.
    In order to write an example of an opinion piece, I would have to include generalizations and cited sources.
    The tone should probably be opinionated because I am expressing my stance to my audience.
    I would include images. I would not include facts and statistics.
    I would not include expert opinions and quotations.
    I would include text features like headings, bold print, italics, etc.

  11. Darleny Morel

    Mentor piece: https://thedaringkitchen.com/unhealthy-foods-to-avoid/

    In order to write an example of a blog, I would have to include bold headings (including subheadings). The tone should probably be conversational because I want to feel like I am actually having a conversation to help the cause and I want the audience to feel comfortable. I would include images and facts so the audience can see exactly what I am referring to and see the issue not just read it. I would include expert opinions and quotations just to back up my argument in a more resourceful way. I would include text features like headings, bold print, italics, etc.

    I would inform my audience about the issue while also persuading them because the community already knows the issue and struggle. The whole point is mainly to grab the attention of those with power so something is actually done about the problem instead of them overlooking it as usual. The main message I want to get across is that low income neighborhoods deserve better and if we’re going to get overpriced things we should get more help financially and the conditions of the food should be better.

  12. Kaylee Castaneda

    My topic is animal cruelty in the makeup industry. But for the blog that I’m making, I have decided to keep the blog on the same topic but change it up a bit. My audience is teens and it will be about skincare products that can help clear up your skin. The main web source that I am using is “Seventeen” which is a website where is mainly directed to teens and based on issues that teens will be interested in. An article that can relate to my topic is https://www.seventeen.com/beauty/makeup-skincare/a33394588/maskne-acne/ Here it explains what products are good to use and that are beneficial as well. The tone of my blog should be informative, explorative but also relatable. A teen would want to relate to a topic so that they can be intrigued and continue to read it. Especially in an issue where is most common in teens. I would include images of the product that I will be talking about to give a visual and a better understanding. I would also incorporate my personal opinion on the product along with what the company says as well. I would mainly emphasize the fact that the skin care products mentioned are in fact cruelty-free and it will then tie in with my main research paper of animal cruelty in the beauty industry.

  13. Mahdi ahammad

    my topic is defunding the police and my genre is an interview-style video and the way i would go about this would be explaining my sources so its more of an informational video i will be talking about the specifics of both sides on this argument i will also explain why defunding the police may not be the best idea since its alot deeper then just that i will give personal stories about people affected by police done incorrectly i will include my personal opinions on some views i will be featuring a debate that was also apart of another interview

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