`Factors Influencing the Success of Information Systems in Flood Early Warning and Response Systems Context,” by Waleed A. Hammood

This memo in a 500-word summary of the articles “Factors Influencing the Success of Information Systems in Flood Early Warning and Response Systems Context,” by  Waleed A. Hammood a faculty of computing at the College of Computing and Applied Sciences. This article abstractly tells us about how the flood flash is becoming more of a natural disaster and they need a good response system to give them more accurate and reliable data on the flood flash. The floods endangered a lot of people in the villages and cost them their lives. These floods started to become damaging and dangerous because of the climate change that was going on in the world. The amount of flood damages can make construction work very expensive because there is a lot of work that has to be put into the damages that has to be fixed.Over decades they had local goods for the community because that will help them as a whole during these dangerous flood risks. The local government has a big role when coming to mitigation. The Flood Early Warning and Response System (FEWRS) is an information system that can change the risks of floods about to occur.  The FEWRS is instant flood information and there are three different stages of floods that it records. The three floods can make it more clear on how bad the flash floods will be.

There are advance warnings to lessen the flash flood because it’s a tool that helps make a success on the FEWRS. The more advanced the warnings are, the more signals we will get for the information systems. The information system is important because it sends all signals for the flash flood. Signals play a big role in the systems because it puts everything in place and gives more clarity.  Some systems are having a lack of information that will have an impact on the flood disaster because of the factors that contribute to the success of these systems.FEWRS has limited their focus to more on disaster management to watch more of the system. The success factor is more to focus on. The IS model is important because without it wouldn’t be any relations with the market and therefore nothing with the organization that’s there. 

 The IS model has more interests than the other models and IS has shown their success in what they do. It has helped researchers choose their factor that will work well with the FEWRS. Some people can’t make up their mind if they want the FEWRS or IS because they must have a different understanding of these factors. The chart is showing the most important factors that will show which is to go to when wanting a good organization. Flood hazard involving engineering that can be expensive.  “According to Baudoin et al. and Meyer [8, 12], information-based disaster tool such as FEWRS can be adopted to forecast and to provide recommendation to decision makers on natural disasters based on factors that contribute to the success of FEWRS” 

Hammood, W. A., Asmara, S. M., Arshah, R. A., Hammood, O. A., Al Halbusi, H., Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Khaleefah, S. H. (2020). Factors influencing the success of information systems in flood early warning and response systems context. Telkomnika, 18(6), 2956–2961. https://doi.org/10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v18i6.14666

Week 6, Office Hours, Wed 9/30, 3:00pm-5:00pm

Prof. Ellis' office in Namm 520.

Greetings, all!

I’ll be on Google Hangouts from 3:00pm-5:00pm today to discuss anything relating to the class. [link removed after office hours]

Remember to email me (jellis at citytech.cuny.edu) with your availability over the next week if you would like to talk but can’t make it to my regularly scheduled office hours.

Week 6, Weekly Writing Assignment

Watch for peer review emails from Prof. Ellis to each team on Wednesday afternoon.

Complete your Expanded Definition first draft as soon as possible.

Then, click “Reply All” to the peer review email from Prof. Ellis.

In the body of your email, write a polite and professional message to your teammates that includes an ask for feedback on your paper and an offer to help others by giving your feedback to them on their papers.

Below this message to your teammates, copy-and-paste the text of your Expanded Definition draft from your word processing software into the body of your email. This makes it easier for your teammates to read your writing without having to download and open a file using additional software. Put another way, please do not attach files or include links to your document on a cloud-based platform. Simply select all of your writing in the open document, switch to your email, and copy-and-paste your text from your document below the message to your teammates.

When you receive emails from your teammates asking for feedback, click Reply All and write a polite and professional email with advice about how to make their work better.

In particular, please address the four following points in your reply to your teammates:

  1. Are there the main sections present: introduction, definitions, context, working definition, and references? If something is missing or needs development, please point that out to the author.
  2. In the definitions section, are there at least two library sourced definitions and are they discussed in the author’s own words?
  3. In the context section, how many sentences are quoted, are they all cited, and are they discussed in the author’s own words?
  4. Look over each in-text citation and reference and see if they follow APA format. You don’t have to correct them but if something seems off, you should recommend that the author double check these before turning in their work.

Summary of “Emotional Training and Modification of Disruptive Behaviors through Computer-Game-Based Music Therapy in Secondary Education.”

TO: Professor Ellis

FROM: Joshua Patterson

DATE: 9/27/2020

SUBJECT: 500-word summary

My 500-word summary is about the article titled “Emotional Training and Modification of Disruptive Behaviors through Computer-Game-Based Music Therapy in Secondary Education.” This article’s abstract tells us about how music is important to a person’s development and behavior, and also how researchers in 1999 have used music therapy to come up with a solution to help students with their disruptive behavior by using video game music from the game Musichao. They believe that music has the ability to not only to help a person with their behavior, but can also affect other characteristics such as creativity, motivation and another resource for those visual or auditory learners as well, and also defines the term “Music Therapy” and explains the effects it can have on different parts of children’s and adolescents’ life. The author continues to explain the five stages of adolescence, adolescents being exposed to games to examine the effects that it has on their intelligence, education and daily life.

The author explains the process of how they conduct the tests and what their role is as the examiners. They give us a brief overview of six participants within a fixed age range to examine how they act within a classroom setting, and explains how two groups of instruments were used for this test that already had existed. The author talks about the two instruments, which were, a book that was used as the first instrument and extensive tests in the book that are going to be ran to examine the characteristics of each adolescence participant, and the game that was used as the second instrument, how the game works, and the daily results it provides the examiners. The author then explains the procedure of how the tests are ran on each participant and who will be assigned to deliver each test. Then, details of the process of examining the test results given from the tests based on the results from the first test in the beginning to the last test at the end.

The researchers provide the actual results of the tests, the design of the tests, and the comparison of the tests from the beginning to last test. The author explains each of the tests, the scoring system used to keep track of each participants’ progress throughout for each of the tests, what each score means for each participant, and their results on each test. They also gives us an overview of the meaning of the results from the first test to the last, the results showing improvement in the participants that were chosen for this study and the minor changes are making their hypothesis somewhat true but not enough that it can be said for certain that music does in fact help with all aspects of their intelligence. 

Lastly, the author explains how their tests can be taken as proof that music therapy works, but that their study wasn’t perfect because of lack of particular cases that could not be used, such as having a control group for this study and not having randomization in the study as well.


  • Chao-Fernández, R., Gisbert-Caudeli, V., & Vázquez-Sánchez, R. (2020). Emotional Training and Modification of Disruptive Behaviors through Computer-Game-Based Music Therapy in Secondary Education. Applied Sciences (2076-3417), 10(5), 1796. https://doi-org.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/10.3390/app10051796

Summary of Aagaard “Drawn to distraction: A qualitative study of off-task use of educational technology”

TO: Professor Jason Ellis

FROM: Ye Lin Htut

DATE: Sept 13, 2020

SUBJECT: 500-Word Summary

This memo is a 500-word summary of the article, “Drawn to distraction: A qualitative study of off-task use of educational technology” by Jesper Aagaard, Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

              This article discusses about the present student experience of off-task use of educational technology and knowledgeable measuring study of students off-task use of technology during class. This experimental investigation is informed by Jesper philosophy, which varies from traditional reasoning theory by changing emphasis from mental processes to physical use of technologies.

              The current study on educational technology primarily depends on a rational knowledge of awareness. As any other idea, this implies some of the studies of existence, justification, genetic beliefs, and emotional. The idea is the present school of philosophy that is remaining progressively used in the study of human technology interactions. This means a change beyond traditional structures of experience and consciousness structures of experience and awareness and the concept requires two changes one in inner balance and characterization. Even though an expanded understanding to characterized use of technologies, a philosophy focused on academics infrequently performs practical researches of people’s technologically mediated practices and habits.

              One part of a broader analysis of educational technologies arbitration of student attention in an educational perspective. Students with age between 16-20 years some college and its institutes services a technological policy of letting students bring their owned devices to school. The result of student use technology is common. Digital technologies have largely superseded notebooks, calculators, and pencils. Students sometimes do not even carry books to school because they can rely only on their laptops. Students frequently called the impulse to connect in off-task interest as a attraction towards and frequently visited unrelated educationally websites such as social media, which is generally used among all students. Students are fall into distraction. If the class section are considered to be too hard, students fall behind and result to distraction. They become emotionally exhausted and disconnect from class and go to unrelated websites.

              Teachers are highly concerned of the tasks presented by off-task use of educational technology. Jesper informs us, “One teacher poignantly explained that when students look at their laptops and smile during English grammar, he knows that it “probably doesn’t have anything to do with the lesson” (Jesper Aagaard, 2015, p. 94). Teachers and school educators are facing enormous task to today modern educational system. They are worry to a student will not learn anything, get a low grade from their class, and become a bad reputation on an educator or school. The endless availability of fascinating options to a continuing lesson. Educators concur of this is a never ending challenge however consider this situation differently.

              Ever more digitalization educational system recognizing why students often use educational technologies for off-task activity is critical. In this article presented the idea of an attraction towards often visited educationally nonrelated websites. Students respond clearly to the apparent boredom of lecturing. They describe lessons as boring which is why they give into desire and become confused.

              As a measuring examination about off-task use of educational technology in real classrooms are an increase in environmental related to new systems. How will educators handle with off-task use of educational technology? Should digital devices be banned from the classroom or are a device to be controlled by the school or teacher administrators? This is not impossible but also highly beneficial if the device are the only access to class-related.


Aagaard, J. (2015). Drawn to distraction: A qualitative study of off-task use of educational technology. Computers & Education, 87, 90–97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2015.03.010

Summary of Aggarwal’s “Modern Web-Development using ReactJS”

To: Prof. Ellis

From: Shital B K

Date: 09/23/2020

Subject: 500-Word Summary

This memo is a 500-word summary of the article, “Modern Web-Development using ReactJS,” by Sanchit Aggarwal (Northern India Engineering College). The article explains about the modern web-development techniques using ReactJS framework.

ReactJS is a JavaScript library used to design and develop the user interfaces that simplifies the data rendering and binding of large web-based applications. According to the writer, “React basically enables development of large and complex web-based applications which can change its data without subsequent page refreshes.” (Aggarwal, 2018, p. 133). It is mostly used to design and develop modular user interfaces which simplifies the development of complex web-based applications. It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture where it is used as the View. It also supports rendering on server-side application using NodeJS and the rendering process in the mobile devices are supported by React Native. ReactJS has simplified the data binding and rendering process and proven to be much easier for the front-end development.

Some of the features of ReactJS are Lightweight DOM for Better Performance, Easy Learning Curve, JSX, Performance, One-way data flow and Virtual DOM. ReactJS has the feature to interact with the document object model stored in the memory that doesn’t interact with the browser directly and hence provides excellent performance of the application. It is known as one of the easiest frameworks having less complexity to learn which makes it popular among the web developers. JSX is another language that simplifies React binding events. The reason that the framework is highly efficient in performance because it has the feature called virtual DOM.

The main working principle of React is based on MVC and DOM where MVC is popular for the user interface development and DOM represents the view of the applications. React performs all its task with the use of Component. The components are generally designed as tree structure that makes the code easy and reusable. The lifecycle of ReactJS framework is generally completed in three states. The first process is the mounting process and after the mounting process, the DOM is generated and finally the last process is the conversion of the DOM placement into the container node. The property set called as props and state are used to manipulate the Component. This property enables to create the user interface of the web application using Component.

React being an excellent framework has some limitations. Some of the limitations of React are having only the view entity in the MVC where additional tools should be used to implement other tasks. Inline templates and JSX are complex to use that can be tire some while designing large applications. The issue during the compilation is also one of the limitations using ReactJS compared to other frameworks.

Modern web development has become very dynamic and interactive. As a result, there are numbers of frameworks used in the industry. ReactJS is one of the most popular frameworks having lots of features that simplifies the data rendering and binding. Hence, it is widely used these days for web development and frontend development.


Aggarwal, S. (2018). Modern Web-Development using ReactJS. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, 5(1), 133–137.


Week 5, Weekly Writing Assignment

This week’s Weekly Writing Assignment has two parts: one part that you will submit as a comment to this post by next week and one part that you will develop on your own in preparation for next week’s Weekly Writing Assignment.

First, the part that you turn in this week is a sampling of your research. I would like you to add a comment to this post with three quotes from your research with parenthetical, in-text citations and the three bibliographic references for those quotes. For this task, you do not need to format it as a memo. The quotes, citations, and bibliographic references is all that I need to see. This will show me that you are doing the important research needed for this project. These quotes and references should go eventually into your 750-1000-Word Expanded Definition Project. Your comment should look something like this with the information filled in:

“This is a quote” (Author, Year, pp. pages).

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. https://doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyy

“This is a second quote” (Author, Year, pp. pages).

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. https://doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyy

“This is a third quote” (Author, Year, pp. pages).

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. https://doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyy

Second, you should begin writing a first draft of your 750-1000-Word Expanded Definition Project on your own. I don’t need to see this yet, but you will use it for peer review and next week’s weekly writing assignment. It’s important to write as much as you can. In the lecture, I mention how important it is to spend time doing the research first to locate definitions to quote through the library and then find sentences using your term to quote in library and web-based sources. Below, I am including a general format of your Expanded Definition Project memo. Feel free to copy-and-paste it into the document that you are writing as your first draft. Delete my text as needed. Also, the bracketed text for headings should be removed. These are guidelines for how your document should look when you submit it in a couple of weeks.

Your Name’s Expanded Definition of YOUR TERM [Title for your OpenLab Post]

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis

FROM: Your Name

DATE: Due Date

SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of YOUR TERM

Introduction  [Heading Level 2] 

What is the purpose of this document? What term are you defining? How are you discussing the way it is defined and the way it is used in context? Describe a road map for what follows (definitions and context). This content should be published as paragraphs, unlike the heading for this section, which is a level 2 heading.

Definitions [Heading Level 2]

Quote several definitions of the term that you selected. Provide quotes and parenthetical citations for each definition and include your sources in the References section at the end of the document. Each definition that you include deserves discussion in your words about what it means and how it relates to the other definitions that you include. Consider how they are alike, how are they different, who might use one versus another, etc.

Context [Heading Level 2]

Quote several sentences from a variety of sources that use the term in context. A range of sources would provide the best source material for your discussion of how the term is used in these contexts. For example, a quote from an academic journal or two, a quote from a newspaper or magazine, a quote from a blog, and a quote from social media would give you a range of uses that might have different audiences. For each quote, you should devote at least as much space as the quote discussing what it means in that context and how it relates to the other quotes in context. Each quote should be in quotes, have a parenthetical citation, and a bibliographic entry in your references at the end of your document.

Working Definition [Heading Level 2]

Based on the definitions that you quoted and discussed, and the contextual uses of the term that you quoted and discussed, write a working definition of the term that’s relevant to your career field or major, which you will need to identify (this is the specific context for your working definition).

References [Heading Level 2]

Order your APA-formatted bibliographic references by the author’s last name, alphabetically.