8 thoughts on “Project 1, Career Memo Drafts

  1. Scotte Ng

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Scotte Ng
    DATE: March 14, 2017
    SUBJECT: Career Memo for Project 1

    Career Memo, describe what your career goals are following your graduation (Feb 2)

    My major right now is Professional and Technical Writing. My goal is to just find a job in the Computer Science field or the Teaching field. My career goals is just to keep moving up within the company and help better my colleagues.

    Program of Study Memo, using the college catalog, discuss how your major is preparing you for your career (Feb 9)

    My major has me writing a lot. The classes I’ve taken have taught teamwork which is very vital for success. The courses has also taught me to be successful communication is key. As a student in the English classes I can relate to students and their mistakes on essays and learn how to deal with criticism from the teacher. With the three important factors of Experience, Communication, and Teamwork I think I will be able to help students learn English is a easier and efficient way. For a field in Computer Science the courses I have taken have taught me to be extreme cautious therefore for coding there will be less errors. Also with my courses they have prepared me for interactions with the computer therefore I can demonstrate my technical expertise in a simple way. With web development my courses has taught me that I can be clear and assist people with certain types of communication.

    I want either a teaching job or a programming job. Being able to work in a team is something I want to do or lead a team of students or programmers into projects.

    I would like to work in an office with a nice view. I wouldn’t mind working in different countries although I do get sick.

    With the job I will be building portfolio and rising up on the job. I want to be recognized for my work in my field of study.

    With the career I have I would do more community service. I would choose to donate to charities and do other things for others. I would try my best to do things for the people who weren’t give a chance like me. I want to start a family if I’m successful.

    The cost is that if the job is far away I wouldn’t be able to see my mom and dad.

  2. Bianca20campbell

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Bianca Campbell
    DATE: March 14, 2017
    SUBJECT: Career Memo

    What is your major and career is it preparing you to pursue?
    My major is technical and professional writing. The career I would like to pursue is screenwriting. When I say screenwriting I mean plays, books, movies, and television shows. I want to write works of fiction that are fantasy. I feel that my major is preparing me to from my career, because there are different types of writing classes I can take. For example I am in a theatre class at the school. There I will learn how to write and direct plays.

    What the job title you’re interested in?
    The job title I am interested in is to be a published author. I would like to have books in the libraries of different of states. As an author I can freely publish any kind of writing. Also as an author you can create movies and plays.

    What do you expect to do?
    I expect to write and create stories. I know that after books are written authors go on book tours. I expect to travel and get to meet as many people as possible.

    What kind of business do you plan to work for?
    I plan to either work with a publishing company or be a self published author. As of right now I do not have any publishing company in mind but I am open to any company that will not try to limit what i can and can not do.

    I would like to stay in New York if its possible. New York is known for theatre and books. Also a lot television shows are filmed. However I wouldn’t mind moving to California because that’s where a lot of movies are filmed.

    What will your career enable you to do personally?
    I feel that it will allow me to personally to travel around the world. Which would be great because i would bring my friends and family so that they can travel as well. It would also allow me finally take care of my family. I could buy my parents and siblings houses so that they would never have to worry about that. I would build a house for women who are leaving domestic violence relationships.

    What cost are there to you and/ or your family?
    I don’t feel like there will be any cost to my family. However i will have to dedicated to getting my published so i feel the cost to me will be time spent writing.

  3. jstephenson

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Jodieann J. Stephenson
    DATE: March 14, 2017
    SUBJECT: Jodieann’s Career Goals

    My name is Jodieann Stephenson and I am majoring in Professional & Technical Writing and with specialization in Marketing. As I near graduation in June 2017, I am beginning to realize more and more that I enjoy writing and strategy. I am currently working as a Freelance Copywriter at Grey Advertising in their pharmaceuticals department. I enjoy learning and writing about very complex diseases and trying to simplify the communication channel between patients and doctors. Although I am studying Professional & Technical Writing, I am dipping into creative roles within advertising industries like Grey. My degree, coupled with my experience has inspired me to seek a career within the healthcare marketing sector.

    My dream career title would be “Senior Vice President or Group Copy Supervisor,” which means I would manage a team of creatives in developing marketing campaigns and work closely to create strategies for my clients. I see myself continuing in the pharmaceuticals space because I can make a lot of money in this field. It is also very important for me to continue to grow and learn as much as I can in this ever-changing field so I can become somewhat of an expert. One of the greatest things about being in a pharmaceuticals advertising agency, especially one like Grey Group, is that there are various agencies around the world. When I graduate this summer, I would love to work within a pharma company or an agency such as Grey, RazorFish, CDM, Wunderman, Droga5, Pfizer, and perhaps branch out to LinkedIn.

    This June when I graduate, I will have a job offer from one of my dream companies and in the summertime, I will travel for one month. My boyfriend might be moving back to France for the summer and I would like to visit him, meet his family and friends. It has always been a dream of mine to visit France, especially Paris. Growing up, I had a wallpaper of the Eiffel Tower in my room and I always dreamed of visiting Paris, eating a croissant, cycling around the famous Arc and visiting the lavender fields. I am really looking forward to visiting France; it would be one of the places I can cross off my bucket list.

    I would like to graduate and get a job offer of one of my top companies because it would be a dream come through. I am ready to challenge myself even more than how I have been challenging myself. I have managed to work at three top advertising agencies before I graduate so I can only imagine where I will end up because of my internships and freelancing work that I have done. It was very hard to intern and attend classes but I knew this would be the only way for me to get my foot in the door. I was able to meet some great supervisors who became my mentor and they are very well respected within the industry. During the month of March or April, I will begin to reevaluate my network and see who I can reach out to help me get into my dream ad agency. I know they will be willing to help because I have proven myself to be worthy and worth investing time into. My mentors always told me never be afraid to reach out to them because they can always help with getting my resume in an agency.

    One of the things that I am looking forward to is traveling because I am still so young and I don’t have any children or pets so I can be free to travel to anywhere in the world. I would love to even relocate to Paris, London or Canada. I would like to live a life well lived and traveled. I want to visit Spain, EU, China, South America, all sponsored by my dream job that I plan on working in for about 15 years. I want to work my way up in the corporate ladder and then leave to do consulting and write my book and be able to self-publish. Also, I would like to partner with NGOs like Girls Write Now and Options Center to help young writers achieve their dreams. Separately, I hope I make a name for myself in this industry and get invited to talk on panels.

  4. glasgowshinquella

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Shinquella Glasgow
    DATE: March 14, 2017
    SUBJECT: Career Memo for Project 1

    The major that I am currently pursuing is Computer Engineering Technology (CET).
    The career field of my choice is in education. Upon graduation, I plan to grow in my career from my current position as a paraprofessional, to a teacher specializing in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). I plan to work for the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE).

    Within my career, I expect to assist with allowing students with special needs to flourish and grow independently as well as intellectually. I plan to work with a wide variety of disabilities such as autism, emotional disturbance and intellectual disabilities using technology as a base for communication both in the classroom and as well as with every day living.

    I plan to continue my career with the NYCDOE in the school network which I am currently employed at The Brooklyn Transition Center P373K. P373K is located in the DOE district 14 which borders the neighborhoods of Williamsburg and Bedford-Stuyvesant. It is easily accessible via the J, M, or G train line at Flushing Avenue.

    My career will enable to do a multitude of things such as branch out to network with other fellow like minded educators as well as the possibility to become a school leader.
    In the future, I would like to develop my own brand of communication devices to help students and other people with special communication needs, so that their thoughts are clearly deciphered with ease and they they are give a voice regardless of their particular needs.

    The struggles of my career in my personal life would include time management and possibly relationships. For example, although school hours are generally from the hours of 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, there are times where this schedule may change. As an educator, there are times where you may be asked to volunteer for after school programs or school dances, or even stay back long hours to complete grading papers. With this in mind, there may be moments where I may not always be available to see my friends and family on the same schedule as others.

    Nevertheless, the time frame of my job does allow me benefits such as having time to take courses such as this one towards my degree as well as vacation time. I am able to visit my family for holiday weeks, as well as have evenings free for outings. Another great benefit of my job is that it truly does enable me to be the person that a student can reach out to for help and give back to my community. Growing up as a minority and as an immigrant, my experiences in school may have been different from others. I often interact with students who come from broken homes, or may not originally be from the US. By sharing these similar experiences, I am often able to see things from the student’s point of view and give them insight on how to deal with a problem or help them when they may not understand something that is going on in their life. Although I did not personally attend a special education program, I am able to give by to my community by working in programs in the Brooklyn community where I lived upon arriving in the US.

    Although teaching is a huge passion in my life, my career path does come with some costs. My career path allows me to move up the career ladder from a paraprofessional to a teacher By doing so, I would first have to enroll into a programs called Teaching Fellows. Teaching Fellows provides stipends for participants. However, the time frame of the stipend is not guaranteed. Because of this, I would have to save a minimum of two pay checks before participating in the program. The same rule applies when transferring job titles. By changing my job title from a paraprofessional to a teacher, I would no longer be entitled to my paraprofessional salary during the transition period of title changes regardless of how long. Because of all of these factors, changing my career does come with a financial cost.

  5. C h a u n c e

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Chaunce S. Taylor
    DATE: March, 14 2017
    SUBJECT: Career Memo and Goal

    My Career aspirations as a technical writer in public health will be outlined by three factors. I Plan on creating awareness on psychological damage in everything to children to criminals, finding the relationship between children fitness and community productivity, finally developing creative ways to cope with tragedies for children.I want to work with companies that influences can be transferred, knowledge can be gained , and hopefulness can be provided instead of negativity on circumstances. The company’s I would be ecstatic to work for are, DigitalOcean, PALIO Careers, Saatchi and Saatchi Wellness, the IRC ( International Refugee Committee) ,and even the Nypd. Due to all the job sites in New York my personal life will not be affected negatively, however the work i would produce will move me upwards socially and promotion wise by proving to a vital asset inside and outside the office.

  6. Thania Miah

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Thania Y. Miah
    DATE: March 14, 2017
    SUBJECT: Career Memo for Project 1

    As Professional and Technical Writing major my career path is to become a professional writer in any situation. My area being computer science, I would eventually like to be an expert in this field but writing is my main goal. I would like to write in a technical and non technical sense. I want to become skilled in my writing to a point where i would be able to use it in any field, whether it be in journalism, articles for a magazine, newspaper, blogs, or for big companies writing proposals, editing documents, or gathering and presenting information.

    Eventually I would like to end up working for a big company like Microsoft or Google once I develop my knowledge of computer science. I would expect to not only work in my area of study but also build on it. I expect to be working on technical writing and communication in those companies as well because everyone needs someone to be able to write no matter what job it is. Whether it’s writing proposals or setting up certain projects or even just writing up certain documents or manuals in a much simpler way that anyone would be able to understand.

    I plan on doing something in programming. Whether it’s software testing, creating programs, or coding and decoding I would just like to be doing something with computer science. I would like to stay in New York with this career choice as much as possible. I feel like this career will enable me to grow as a writer and as a technician.

  7. Sinan Gumus

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM:Sinan Gumus
    DATE: March 14, 2017
    SUBJECT: Career Memo for Project 1

    I am majoring in Professional and Technical Writing. I chose this degree to advance myself , for my future career path as I plan to graduate in a year. I believe more than ever communication matters most. There are more people looking for work and more deals and transactions to be made , and faster than ever with new technologies always around the corner.

    I have already started an antique dealings sort of business with my partner and it is doing decent for a start up , and we are in the planning stages with my other friend for another business as a recruiting firm for programmers. I believe at the end , me completing this degree and taking the courses needed will help me make better business deals , write out better negotiations and also when the time comes , hopefully , be able to sell the companies.

    I would like to always be located in New York for business as I do have a good network here and customers , and hopefully I will see the network of customers and people I do business with grow. I believe my career in the antique business will make me see , learn and experience ultra rare vintage timepieces and other antique items I otherwise wouldn’t have owned. The recruiting firm will improve my management skills hopefully , and learn more about coding on the side. Overall I hope they will become successful and give me the financial freedom I would like to live very well.

  8. Rakesh Nadendla

    TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Rakesh Nadendla
    DATE: March 14, 2017
    SUBJECT: Career Memo for Project 1

    My name is Rakesh Nadendla and I’m currently majoring in computer science. I want to get a job in an organization that develops applications that make our everyday lives easier. My job title is “app developer” and it is pretty much self explanatory which is a person that develops applications.
    I like to research before I begin doing anything. I want to know exactly what my application should be and I want to make it perfect with no mistakes. I want to start from a simple application that teaches kids how to read to an application that you use in your everyday life.

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