Thania Miah’s Profile

My Courses
ENG1133 D502 Specialized Communications for Technology Students, SP2017
Capable engineers and technologists are a dime-a-dozen. This class’ purpose is to offer you an opportunity to distinguish yourself among many otherwise qualified individuals by improving essential communication skills. Students will build job application portfolios, improve writing in a variety of formats for different audiences, research something important to their careers so as to have an important writing sample, and practice professional oral presentation skills based on research. This class is difficult in ways different than major-specific classes, but it is the challenge afforded by the intensive projects and weekly in-class writing assignments that develop your communications skills over time. Simply put, students who apply themselves to the class throughout the semester will develop ways of thinking and expressing that will place them above many of their peers in a competitive job market.
Write and program a short choice-based interactive adventure game.
ENG1710 Intro to Language and Technology, FA2017
ENG1710 D518 with Professor Ellis
My Projects
Each year, the English Department at New York City College of Technology organizes the Literary Arts Festival. This event highlights the work of students, staff, and faculty, as well as accomplished writers outside of the City Tech community. There is also a writing competition that awards prizes to students in a variety of writing categories, as well as to faculty and staff in their own category.
My Clubs
Thania Miah hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.