Writing My Brain by Kelvin Moncion


In this project I took my time and effort of self analysing my thoughts and how these thoughts affected me. Also how these thoughts reflected on me and my motivation.

-Thinking in Writing

In my daily thoughts, I’ve noticed I have an equal consistency of thinking about food and walking my dog. I think that’s because, I really like food and my dog is very important to me. I like to think that my thoughts are of an average teen, where I wake up brush my teeth, eat, shower and etc. Just an ordinary day for me. Then later at night I start to wonder if my friends are gonna get online or whether or not we’ll destroy or get destroyed. Sometimes when I get a bunch of homework in one day I start to think and think and my head just starts to hurt and i start to get stressed out. When my day comes to end I think how many hours I’ll get of sleep and what am I gonna wear for the next day? My thoughts get really dark sometimes (I don’t wanna sound weird) but when I’m not distracted and just lying down I tend to think of what happens after one dies, is there actually a Heaven and Hell? People sometimes just talk about religious things and then that gets my mind traveling elsewhere. When I’m with friends I usually look at them and then wonder “wow we’ve gotten so old, next think you know we have wife and kids”, when I’m around then I tend to look back at the past and think about all the funny things that had happened between us or if we’ll actually be in contact in 5 years or so, will we look different or just have facial hair. When I’m playing with my dog I sometimes just stop and look at her then I get myself thinking where did she come from and why were dogs put on this Earth, I usually have really dark thoughts or just very idiotic thoughts, and sometimes I just think too much I give myself a headache.

-Thinking Visually

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My dog is a very important “figure” in my life, she makes my life less stressful. Shes very playful and everytime I look her I wonder to myself “where did she come from?”.

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My bed, the thing I always come to at the end of my day when I’m super tired. Bed is life and at the end my day I just go to sleep.

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What I always think of at the beginning of the day. Right after I wake up its the first thing I think about because I have to stay minty fresh right after I wake up. Its also part of my routine and hygiene.

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When I’m hungry, food is life. When I can’t find anything to eat I whip something up for myself like this beautiful sandwich. Food is a very important part of everyone’s life and food is just a part I’d my everyday life.

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This picture represents not only the night but, the darkness. The thoughts that sometimes comes to me at night, the weird dark thoughts that I get when I think too much, the thoughts that sometimes bothers me.

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My controller represents my hobby that I have. Getting online with my friends and joining lobbies. I guess you could call us “gamers”. Gaming is a favorite hobby of mine when I’m done with all my homework/projects, because right after I know I’m worry free and I can just game on.

-Thinking Reflective

In the time ahead, I am in an office with a team of developers talking about our future plans and deadlines we have for the release date. I see myself getting ready to use my brain and hands to get creative with the team. Today we start to put on the final touches on the game were developing, having while doing it I probably would not see it as a job, more like a hobby since a job is not really a job if you enjoy it. I will be on my computer and papers drawing, designing characters and maps for multiplayer games maybe even create a soon to be popular character. Create an awesome campaign with a confusing but interesting story, being a game designer can even take me to places like Tokyo or Montreal since there are famous game studios located in those places. The way to reach your goal is getting over the obstacles in your life it can be difficult but when you accomplish it, it will be worth it because of what you can achieve.