Hands-on Activity Review



Review a hands-on activity that is used in technology classrooms. Select a hands-on tool or activity related to communication systems and summarize it with the format of lesson title, design brief, criteria, constraints, and the task. The review should include possible outcomes of the student work for the hands-on activity.


Your hands-on activity should include, but is not limited to, the following key items:

  • Lesson title
  • Standard alignment (STL)
  • General description/overview of the hands-on activity
  • Design tasks (or goal)
  • Instructional procedure or building process
  • Expected outcomes
  • Etc.

Evaluation Criteria

1. The activity design

Appropriate and Quality of the activity /5

Relevant content to communication systems /5

Real-world context / 5

2. Activity review

Review well-structured /5

Contains appropriate guidance for students /5

Relevant to communication systems /5

Described in terms of student perspective rather than teacher perspective /5

3. Presentation

Accurate spelling and grammatical structure /5

Professional visual appearance (typed) /5

Appropriate length /5