Article Review


Choose an article. Carefully read the article, and then write a review based on the following guidelines. The content of the review should be divided into two key areas. Start by briefly summarizing the content of the article in your own words. Second, discuss your personal reactions to the article.  The following are some questions that might help you frame your discussion (you are not limited to these questions):

•   What were the key technological concepts that you picked up from reading this article?

•   How does this article pertain to the topics we have discussed thus far in class?

•   How might this article or its contents relate or be used in a class you teach, or would like to teach, at the middle or high school level?

•   How might this technology/policy/issue impact society (positive and/or negative)?

Evaluation Criteria

1. The Review

Addressed all items requested /5

Properly cited article and referenced page numbers of quotes /5

2. Use of Ideas

Essay well-structured /5

The content is summarized, not repeated verbatim /5

Personal views addressed in a substantive way /5

Concepts and ideas clearly communicated /10

3. Presentation

Accurate spelling and grammatical structure /5

Professional visual appearance (typed) /5

Appropriate length /5