Welcome to the Communication Systems Open Lab Website!
EDU 2460 Communication Systems is an introduction to the study of communication systems for preservice technology and engineering teachers. The course will lead students to have a deeper understanding of recent communication technologies including CAD, optics, graphic, audio, video, and photography communications.
Table of Contents
- Week 01 β Introduction to Communication Systems
- Content 1 β What is Communication?
- NYS Communication System Curriculum
- Closing: Discussion about communication systems.
- Week 02 β History of Communication Systems
- Week 03 β ITEEA Learning Standards and Graphic Communication
- Activity 1 β Graphic Communication.
- Week 04 β Types of signals and networks
- Week 05 β Basic operations of computer
- Content 2 β Computers live in the bit world
- Content 3 β Encoding Byte
- Content 4 β Boolean Algebra
- Content 5 β Bit and Bytes
- Activity 1 β Identify file size
- Activity 2 β ASCII Table
- Activity 3 β Exploring Raspberry Pi
- Activity 4 β Use of command line in Raspberry Pi
- Activity 5 β Manual Command
- Activity 6 β Apropos Command
- Activity 7 β Clear Command
- Activity 8 β LS Command
- Week 06 β Computer hardware & Pi Commands
- Content 1 β Components of computer hardware
- Content 2 β The processor: The CPU
- Content 3 β RAM β Random Access Memory
- Content 4 β RAM Speeds β CPU and RAM
- Content 5 β ROM β Read Only Memory
- Activity 1 β Make & Remove Directory Command
- Activity 2 β Change the working directory
- Activity 3 β Run GUI applications using command
- Activity 4 β Copy files in Raspberry Pi
- Activity 5 β Make folders and files
- Activity 6 β Additional commands
- Activity 7 β Change File & Directory Permissions
- Activity 8 β Get your IP Address
- Closing β Explore Bluetooth devices around you
- Week 07 β Midterm (no content)
- Week 08 β Computer software & Python programming
- Opening β Update the local time on you Raspberry Pi
- Content 1 β Software vs Hardware
- Content 2 β Types of software
- Content 3 β System software
- Content 4 β Operating System
- Activity 1 β Find running processes on Windows
- Content 5 β Why is Booting Required?
- Content 6 β Boot procedure
- Activity 2 β List running process on Raspberry Pi
- Activity 3 β Make your Pi into an Office Machine
- Closing β Revert your Pi to a regular computer
- Week 09 β Internet, WWW, URL, and DNS
- Opening β The Father of the internet
- Content 1 β The origin of internet
- Content 2 β Network in the 1960s β Centralized communication network
- Content 3 β World Wide Web
- Content 4 β Universal Resource Locator
- Content 5 β Domain Name System
- Content 6 β Some facts about WWW
- Activity 1 β How to make a web page
- Content 7 -What is HTML?
- Activity 2 -HTML Practice of Tags
- Closing βEssential HTML Tags
- Week 10 β Introduction to Python Programming
- Opening β Rethinking: what is the computer?
- Content 1 β Evaluation of computer languages
- Content 2 β A brief history of programming language
- Activity 1 β Setting up programming environment in Raspberry Pi
- Content 3 β What is Python?
- Content 4 β Programming basics
- Content 5 β Compiling and interpreting
- Activity 2 β Running Python on Raspberry Pi
- Activity 3 β Python Expressions
- Activity 4 β Real numbers in Python
- Activity 5 β Variables
- Activity 6 β Print out a message in Python
- Activity 7 β Data types
- Activity 8 β input
- Week 11 β Python programming logic
- Activity 1 β For loop
- Activity 2 β Cumulative loops
- Activity 3 β if Statement
- Activity 4 β if/else statement
- Activity 5 β Your task
- Activity 6 -While statement
- Activity 7 -Logic operations in Python
- Activity 8 -Graphics with turtle
- Activity 9 -Turtle Example 1: Draw a line
- Activity 10 βExample 2: Drawing a square.
- Activity 11 βExample 3: Drawing a star
- Activity 12 βExample 4: Changing line color
- Activity 13 -Turtle Design task
- Week 12 β Understanding of HTML
- Opening β What is World Wide Web?
- Content 1 β What is HTTP?
- Activity 1 β Install HTTP Client Program β HTTPie
- Activity 1 β Make your Pi into a web server
- Activity 2 β Change your default web page
- Content 2 β HTML: HyperText Markup Language
- Activity 3 β Our First Example
- Activity 4 β Markup tags and content
- Activity 5 β HTML Tags
- Activity 6 β Tag Attributes
- Activity 7 β HTML List
- Activity 8 β Comment Statements
- Activity 9 β HTML Design Task
- Week 13 β HTML advanced
- Activity 3 β Text Formatting Tags
- Activity 4 β Changing the Font
- Activity 5 β Headings
- Activity 6 β Paragraphs, <P> </P>
- Activity 7 β Bold, Italic and other Character Formatting Elements
- Activity 8 β HTML colors
- Activity 9 β Aligning Text
- Activity 10 β Inserting ImagesΒ
- Activity 11 β Inserting a Youtube video
- Activity 12 β Links
- Activity 13 β Frames
- Activity 14 β Frames with links
- Week 14 β HTML advanced 2 & Final project
- Opening β How to insert multiple pages on a page?
- Activity 1 β Frames with vertical pages
- Activity 2 βFrames without borders and names
- Activity 3 -Targets
- Activity 4 βFrames with links
- Activity 5 -Tables
- Activity 6 -Table with colspan
- Appendix A. The HTML version updates
- Appendix B. HTML5 New Tags
- Appendix C. Bluefish β HTML Editor on Raspberry Pi
- Final Project: Create your website
Welcome to the Communication Systems Open Lab Website! EDU 2460 Communication Systems is an introduction to the study of communication systems for preservice technology and engineering teachers. The course will lead students to have a deeper understanding of recent communication technologies including CAD, optics, graphic, audio, video, and photography communications. Announcements