Week 03 – ITEEA Learning Standards and Graphic Communication

Lesson Overview

Topic: ITEEA Learning Standards, Graphic Communication, Elements of communication system. Understanding of Raspberry Pi

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Explain how computers work.
  • Explain how microchips process information.
  • Explain the configuration of Raspberry Pi 3.


Review ITEEA’s Standards for Technological Literacy related to Communication Systems. (ITEEA, 2000/2002/2007).

  • Information and communication technologies include the inputs, processes, and outputs associated with sending and receiving information.
  • Information and communication systems allow information to be transferred from human to human, human to machine, machine to human, and machine to machine.
  • Information and communication systems can be used to inform, persuade, entertain, control, manage, and educate.
  • Communication systems are made up of source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, storage, retrieval, and destination.
  • There are many ways to communicate information, such as graphic and electronic means.
  • Technological knowledge and processes are communicated using symbols, measurements, conventions, icons, graphic images, and languages that incorporate a variety of visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli.

Activity 1 – Graphic Communication.

  • See the assembly guide for furniture.
  • Discuss how the graphical illustrations of the guide are effective. Why the guide did not include any languages?
  • Identify the best method that you can communicate with somebody in the situations below.
    • When helping your friend know the way to go to library
    • Teach how to assemble an IKEA furniture
    • Teach how to do video editing
    • Share how fun the football game played the last night
    • When want to inform students not to make noise in the hallway

Content 1- Types of Communication Systems

There are so many ways to communicate with others. The types of communication can be folded into four ways.

  • Text-based communication: Email, text messages, Social media
    • Pros: Fast and precise, lightweight data
    • Cons: Subject to interpretation, static
  • Visual communication: Photos, images, videos
    • Pros: connect remote people in real-time
    • Cons: heavy data, less precise
  • Audio communication: Phone, microphone
    • Pros: connect remote people
    • Cons: Need a microphone
  • Multimedia communication: More than two media, video conferences, TV, and others
    • Pros: multiple media
    • Cons: heavy data

Content 2 – Input of Communication Systems

Communication systems can be explained using the Universal Systems model. The system model has the four elements, input-process-output-feedback. The input of the system includes people, capital, time, information, energy, materials, and tools & machines.

Activity 2 – Understanding Raspberry Pi 3.

  • What is Raspberry Pi?
    • Developed by the University of Cambridge’s Computer Laboratory
    • Lower barriers to microcomputers.
    • Designed for education
    • A credit card-sized PC
    • Plugs into a TV or monitor Inexpensive(ish) ~$35 each
    • Capability: Programming, Electronic Projects, Office, Play HD Videos
  • Variations of Raspberry Pi
    • Hardware platform
    • Raspberry Pi Zero ($5)
    • Raspberry Pi
    • Raspberry Pi 2
    • Raspberry Pi 3 (with Wifi + Bluetooth)
    • Software platform
    • Noobs
    • Raspbian
    • 3rd OS
    • https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/
  • Structure of Raspberry Pi
  • Compare the structure of Raspberry Pi and a traditional computer. What are the differences between modules and the structure of Raspberry Pi?


Identify a situation that graphical communical is effective.

List the types of communication methods.

List the elements of input of the communication system with a communication device.