Assignment 1 Instructions (Example)

Faculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide instructions for each assignment. It uses the category “Assignment Instructions” and can be found under Activities > Assignments in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your assignment posts. Please delete this informational block when you are ready to share your site with your students. For help working with OpenLab Course sites, visit OpenLab Help.

EDU-2460 – Written Review Assignment Guidelines

You are responsible for three written reviews throughout the semester. The papers will be due at the beginning of the class period on the following dates:

September       – article review

October           – website review

November       – hands-on activity development (article review for non-teaching majors)


All reviews must be typed (12 pt. font), double-spaced, and approximately two pages long. If you use direct quotes, be sure to cite the page number where the quote was found. Do not include a separate cover page; type your name, the date, and the full APA reference information for the article/resource on the last page.

  • Article Review- Due on Sep 19

Choose an article. Carefully read the article, and then write a review based on the following guidelines. The content of the review should be divided into two key areas. Start by briefly summarizing the content of the article in your own words. Second, discuss your personal reactions to the article.  The following are some questions that might help you frame your discussion (you are not limited to these questions):

•   What were the key technological concepts that you picked up from reading this article?

•   How does this article pertain to the topics we have discussed thus far in class?

•   How might this article or its contents relate or be used in a class you teach, or would like to teach, at the middle or high school level?

•   How might this technology/policy/issue impact society (positive and/or negative)?

Evaluation Criteria

1. The Review

Addressed all items requested /5

Properly cited article and referenced page numbers of quotes /5

2. Use of Ideas

Essay well-structured /5

The content is summarized, not repeated verbatim /5

Personal views addressed in a substantive way /5

Concepts and ideas clearly communicated /10

3. Presentation

Accurate spelling and grammatical structure /5

Professional visual appearance (typed) /5

Appropriate length /5

  • Web Site ReviewDue on Oct 24

Locate a communications-related web site by searching using a key word from the content outline for the course. Select a site that provides substantive, current, detailed, and useful information related to one of the topics covered in the course. Try to select a site that could have direct application in an instructional (classroom) setting.

Your review should include, but is not limited to, the following key items:

  • General description/overview of the content of the site
  • Analysis of specific sections that you found most interesting, and why
  • Critique of sections that you did not find useful
  • Evaluation of the graphics, style and layout; be descriptive
  • Description of how you might use this site in an instructional setting
  • Etc.

Evaluation Criteria

1. The web site

Appropriate and Quality source /5

Relevant content /5

An accurate web address is provided /5

2. Use of Ideas

Essay well-structured /5

The content is summarized, not repeated verbatim /5

Personal views addressed in a substantive way and

Ideas are relevant to content reviewed /5

Addressed all items requested /5

3. Presentation

Accurate spelling and grammatical structure /5

Professional visual appearance (typed) / 5

Appropriate length /5

  • Hands-on Activity Review Due on Nov 21

Review a hands-on activity that is used in technology classrooms. Select a hands-on tool or activity related to communication systems and summarize it with the format of lesson title, design brief, criteria, constraints, and the task. The review should include possible outcomes of the student work for the hands-on activity.

Your hands-on activity should include, but is not limited to, the following key items:

  • Lesson title
  • Standard alignment (STL)
  • General description/overview of the hands-on activity
  • Design tasks (or goal)
  • Instructional procedure or building process
  • Expected outcomes
  • Etc.

Evaluation Criteria

1. The activity design

Appropriate and Quality of the activity /5

Relevant content to communication systems /5

Real-world context / 5

2. Activity review

Review well-structured /5

Contains appropriate guidance for students /5

Relevant to communication systems /5

Described in terms of student perspective rather than teacher perspective /5

3. Presentation

Accurate spelling and grammatical structure /5

Professional visual appearance (typed) /5

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