1. Mollusk like – //o\\-
2. Around all oceans
3. heart-Blue blood
4. Cephalopods-head foot
5. -//o\\- developed funnel foot
6. Funnel helps move
7. =o for fast movement
8. Digestive tract pass O
9. full of surprises
A City Tech OpenLab Course Site
1. Mollusk like – //o\\-
2. Around all oceans
3. heart-Blue blood
4. Cephalopods-head foot
5. -//o\\- developed funnel foot
6. Funnel helps move
7. =o for fast movement
8. Digestive tract pass O
9. full of surprises
Cephalopods are a group of mollusk which consist of squid, octopus, nautilus, and cuttlefish. The group lives in oceans all over the world. They have three hearts that pump blue blood and they move by jet propulsion. The name cephalopods mean’s head foot because the head is near the foot. The head of the octopus and squid turn into a funnel that directs water out of their body. The cephalopods get around faster with the jet propulsion. The rest of their body is unique. In most of them, the digestive tract passes through the brain.
I feel like I’m behind on everything and I’m trying my best to try to make up everything I work best in class I’m trying to do it with the online classes but it just makes me feel like I’m sinking deeper I’m really trying my best to adapt to this change but I can’t. I’ve been working on my work for like forever and i feel like i have an empty brain
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