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Category: Unit 3 (Page 2 of 6)

Letter to Editor

Dear Dean P. Banquet,

When I started this project I was completely lost, but I had one goal in mind, and it was to make sure the reader would know why space travel is important to me and how it benefits them going into the future. Its ironic because my research project was to spread awareness about space travel, but it took me hours to find just two articles about why we need to care about exploring space, thankfully I found the best articles I can find to address my concern. Mark Kelly’s  “Don’t Give Up on the International Space Station” was just what I need to grab the readers’ attention because it describes what we can learn about space from the space station and this article was written from someone who has been and worked on the space station and not many people have done that in their lifetime, furthermore I loved how Kelly gave many reasons how the space station was a great investment, and it will continue to be even if it was not made to last for a long time. The next article by Lee Billings talks instantly hooked me in because this article was introducing a book “Beyond: Our Future in Space” by Chris Impey a British astronomer and this book was made for people who have a similar imagination of what the future could look like if country’s and mankind invested more time into space exploration. What particularly liked about this article was because it also gave me the chance to direct and who reads my research project into reading Chris Impey’s book if they are interested in what others may think the future will have in store for us.

Sincerely, Yerime Dieye.

Research Paper Final

People are avoiding taking the trains due to the pandemic and crimes in subways that escalated tremendously. individuals sense that their lives are at stake when it comes to public transportation. Some rather walk miles to place which may require long hours just to evade going to into the subway stations. This is a serious matter because this virus can not only complicate your health but can also be fatal. Coronavirus can be 10x harder on people who already have health problems. When selfish people disobey face mask law and come onto the train without a mask or have it resting on their chin instead of covering their mouth and nose the correct way which can put the other individual lives at risk.

MLA: Goldbaum, Christina  “Riders Ditch The Subway As Fear Spreads”.https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/13/nyregion/coronavirus-subway-public-transit.html?searchResultPosition=1The New York Times,  March 15, 2021.

Summary: In this article, many people of all ages going either to work or school congest bridges and bike lanes in the agitation of Coronavirus spreading throughout the subway stations. In early March near the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak 2020, there had already been nearly 330 people infected in the state. On the grounds of this, riders abandon public transit to protect themselves and their family from any possible exposure to the virus. MTA experts dread what the decrease in riders can do to metropolitan transportation authorities horrifying finances as coronavirus continue to manifest.

Analysis: Christina Goldbaum published this article to express her thoughts on the pandemic being faced and how it affects not only us but New York City’s way of getting around.  MTA’s buses, subways, and trains were greatly depended upon to move individuals from one place to another. After the COVID-19 virus transpired the percentage of ridership decreased immensely. The article gives its readers a different interpretation of things because, Goldbaum was a former foreign freelance journalist whose now a transit reporter covering ferries, buses, commuter rails, bicycles, and all the other ways of getting around New York.

Response: i think christina did a beautiful job at getting her point across. Reading these article i felt that ditching the subway in fear of the spread of COVID-19 was a smart idea because as it spread it will only get worse. Its best to avoid any possible way of contacting Covid-19

MLA: Goldbaum, Christina “The Subway Needs Riders To Save It. Will They?”.https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/22/nyregion/nyc-subway-coronavirus.html?searchResultPosition=6 The New York Times, March 22, 2021.

Summary: In this article as the COVID-19 virus unfolded to New York City workers feared for MTA’s financial future as they watched crowds on the platforms slowly vanish. The early last year 2020, conductors Adrienne Crespo witnessed the virus evacuate subway stations of all its riders, infect a vast amount of transit workers, and left MTA with financial debt. Now in 2021, MTA’s debts ease as federal aid and President Biden’s sweeping rescue plan keeps MTA flowing. This eventually leads to the Metropolitan Transportation authority’s endurance depending on two things, the boarding of passengers and their fare. MTA addressed the worries of writers making people feel at peace in subway stations bringing back on the ridership.

Analysis: Christina Goldbaum wrote this article to notify people on how ridership change from before things unraveled with the virus and now. It also emphasizes the seriousness of the post pandemic future of New York City transportation system.  After the author discusses future plans with restoring MTA’s rideship percentage, things slowly shift as masks are being enforced in handed out and subway stations are being closed down at graveyard hours for disinfecting.

Response: this article makes me feel a little relief because MTA is restoring it’s subway stations. Not only are they trying to lower the risk of anyone getting COVID-19 by shutting it down to disinfect, but they are still trying to proceed with future plans to upgrade our transportation carts and buses and they were slightly relieved of debt. 


the reason i chose those article is because i feel like COVID-19 came and changed our lives for the worse and with everyone not taking the masks law seriously people fear getting on transportation and this interfere with the fare. This is important to me because not only my dad works for MTA and it’s scary to think is he going to be safe ? or are we going to catch anything with any little sneezing we already think we have COVID-19 once we feel a little tingle in our throat  we think its COVID-19 I Feel like its safe thing to do right now with subways is keep closing the subway station closed after hours to sterilize the train in order to bring the coronavirus rate down  and have the ridership  increase substantially  to improve their fare and their rides

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