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the reason i chose those article is because i feel like COVID-19 came and changed our lives for the worse and with everyone not taking the masks law seriously people fear getting on transportation and this interfere with the fare. This is important to me because not only my dad works for MTA and it’s scary to think is he going to be safe ? or are we going to catch anything with any little sneezing we already think we have COVID-19 once we feel a little tingle in our throat  we think its COVID-19 I Feel like its safe thing to do right now with subways is keep closing the subway station closed after hours to sterilize the train in order to bring the coronavirus rate down  and have the ridership  increase substantially  to improve their fare and their rides

Research Project draft

Introduction: In January of 2020, one virus was able to set the whole world into a frenzy. COVID-19 is a form of Coronavirus which is a respiratory disease that had shut down various states for months. New York City had a total of almost one million cases of coronavirus. The virus had put cities under lockdown, closed restaurants, jammed hospitals, and many state governments required people to wear a mask for everyone’s safety. All of this happened within a month of the first cases spotted in the United States in mid to late February. By early March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic and on March 22nd, the entire New York City was under hard lockdown. But as COVID-19 was investigated more, it was brought to the public’s attention that information was being withheld from us by governments and that this was not the first rodeo with Coronavirus. Questions started being raised. “Where did Coronavrius come from and how did it spread so fast without any warning?”


MLA Entry: Chris Buckley, David D. Kirkpatrick, Amy Qin, and 

“How COVID-19 Slipped China’s Grasp”

Summary: When China first investigated the coronavirus, Dr. Zhong Nanshan, was rushed to Wuhan, the central city of China. Dr. Zhong Nanshan, who had relieved people of a previous relieved people of a similar epidemic 17 years ago, was called in an emergency to help bring light to the new form of Coronavirus. Dr. Nanshan was astonished when he found how dangerous the virus was and how fast it was spreading. Dr. Nanshan rushed to Beijing and urged officials to sound the alarm to warn China about the rapidly spreading virus. Scientists and private laboratories identified the kind of coronavirus outbreak it was and mapped its spread before Beijing considered the seriousness of the virus after they were already alerted. A Professor located in Shanghai by the name of Zhang Yongzhen also reported that he knew the impact COVID-19 could have on the country, but, he too, was ignored. However, by then, approximately 636 lives had been taken by the coronavirus and it was too late to try and enforce containment. The first alarm wasn’t sounded until 25 after December 30th, 2019 when the government was confronted about the virus. The article states “yet officials in Wuhan and Beijing concealed the extent of infections or refused to act on warnings.” Hostilities arose between the U.S. and China’s government because information was not shared on behalf of either parties.

After being exposed, China was reluctant to understand where and how the virus emerged. Scientists dug deeper to find that SARS, a previous epidemic that occurred in 2002 – 2003, had revisited in a new form of coronavirus. Two different commercial labs reached the same conclusion. It was also discovered that the same coronavirus was spotted in animals meaning it was transferred from animal to human and then rapidly from human to human.

Analysis: The author’s of “How COVID-19 Slipped China’s Grasp” are Chris Buckley, David Kirkpatrick, Amy Qin, and 

Response: I knew very little about the coronavirus. Information on China’s government concealing information and the SARS epidemic was pieced together in this article. Former President Trump was very angry with China’s government when he was informed how much they already knew but didn’t share. I believe China’s government was afraid to release what they knew about the virus to keep the citizens and other countries. Trump said some ignorant things that were not justified but I could understand the frustration he faced after uncovering the same facts. Other articles, such as the next one, similar to “How COVID-19 Slipped China’s Grasp” share the same information even from other doctors’ perspectives in China as well so I think this article is credible.


MLA Entry: Hilary Leung. “Doctor Who Sounded Alarm on Coronavirus Dies in China.” TIME, 7 February 2020, https://time.com/5779678/li-wenliang-coronavirus-china-doctor-death/

“Doctor Who Sounded Alarm on Coronavirus Dies in China”

Summary: Towards the end of December 2020, the outbreak caught the attention of an ophthalmologist by the name of Dr. Li Wenliang. A text message that wrote “A new coronavirus infection has been confirmed and its type is being identified. Inform all family and relatives to be on guard,” was sent out to Dr. Li Wenliang’s former medical school classmates on December 30th. China, however, did not appreciate Dr. Wenliang’s warnings about the strange cases that seemed similar to SARS and he was arrested by local authorities for “making untrue comments” and “severely disturbing social order.” Yet, he knew what was true and untrue and continued carrying out his message about the virus through social media, texts, and interviews. Dr. Li Wenliang  came to be true when it was found that “The infection turned out not to be SARS, but 2019-nCov—a coronavirus in the same deadly family.”

Unfortunately, Dr. Wenliang was a victim of the same virus he tried to warn his former classmates of. “At the time, Wuhan’s health bureau said there was no evidence of spread between humans”, which turned out to be false, in January, when Dr. Wenliang was diagnosed with coronavirus after being infected by a patient of his. The mayor oh Wuhan later admitted to “mishandling the crisis” and not releasing information quick enough and on Jan. 28, about two months into the global pandemic, China’s top court rebuked Wuhan police for punishing eight people, including Li, for “spreading rumors.”

Analysis: Hilary Leung wrote the article “Doctor Who Sounded Alarm on Coronavirus Dies in China”. Leung wrote this article to notify people of the extent China went through in hopes of masking the truth about the coronavirus. I believe the author just wanted to send awareness out of how China tried to lie to its own citizens. “Doctor Who Sounded Alarm on Coronavirus Dies in China” was written for a more mature audience because the events that were discussed are very horrid and foul. I do believe that China got the police involved to keep its citizen from passing word around and that Dr. Li Wenliang was one of many that tried to warn the government. This article is credible because this article’s story aligns with other articles that prove the same point: China should have reported what they knew.

Response: I think people fear what they do not know and I think this was a prime example. China did not want to release their knowledge of what was happening because they did not understand how bad the virus was. I feel as though they did not want this virus to turn into a pandemic, just hoped the spread ending because that is exactly what happened with the SARS pandemic and why that virus did not need a vaccine. It’s a shame that Coronavirus had to be unstoppable for China to disclose their secret.


Conclusion: These two articles taught me three things; Coronavirus is a family of viruses and COVID-19 was just the form of an outbreak; COVID-19 was able to spread quickly because there was no political or social update on it, and China withholding information causing chaos and confusion within the world. Anyone who needed clarity on what happened in late 2010 and early 2020 should take a look at the articles because they were very informative and correlate with one another well. If a timeline was added to both of the articles, they would hold the same information and repeated dates.

Research Project


Black Lives Matter. I’ve known you heard this three word phrase a lot this past year, and for proper reasoning due to the recent string of tragedy’s that have occurred to unarmed Black people during this past year. I chose to research this topic so I can further inform myself and others of this organizations beginnings, goals and overall message they are trying to spread. This topic is very personal to me although, I have not had a first hand experience with injustice to unarmed black people I’ve have had piers and family in these situations which hurts me just the same.

MLA Entry

The Editorial Board. “The Truth of ‘Black Lives Matter’.” The New York Times, 3 Sept. 2015,Opinion | The Truth of ‘Black Lives Matter’ – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

The Truth Of ‘Black Lives Matter’

In these past 7 years many of us have heard  the three word mantra ‘Black Lives Matter’, A movement which intends put a stop to Injustices with the police against the Black community, and in The New York Times article  The truth of Black lives Matter its starts by informing us on the way The republican party and the news media portrays the ‘BLM’ movement  by condemning their protest. Their message is clear in their campaign as you hear from  politicians like Gov. Nikki Haley, Gov. Scott Walker, and Senator Rand Paul you get an overall consensus they think ‘BLM’ is an inflammatory or even hateful anti-white movement that has no place in civil rights. The slander even continued when Gov. Mike Huckabee who said if Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King were alive he wouldn’t be happy with the movements focus on color and “unarmed people who are  disproportionately killed in encounters with the police”. This article feels that this statement that this argument is ignorant to history in general and of the civil rights movement in particular, Later on in the article it explains what the Civil Rights movement was intended for to bring awareness unfairness to African- Americans like not being able to vote, and having equal protection under the law. This later continued into the 20th century the movement documented cases in which African-Americans have died after being turned away from hospitals that were reserved for whites or killed by lynching or hanging. They later explain event that happened in 1963 when four black girls were killed in the mist of the movement, Dr. king eulogized them and said the “dead have something to say” which in responded to federal who cut shady deals with the southern Dixiecrats. Further in the article it explained the focuses of the ‘BLM’ which that blacks a more prone to death by policeman than any other race. They recognize the fact that black lives have historically not mattered and have been devalued.


This is a great article which address the ignorance and neglect of issues where Black people have face injustices at the hands of the police. The article provided information of instances in which politicians have made disparaging claims to try and sway the media to think negatively about the movement, in the article they combatted this by informing people of  the history and explaining why its wrong and why its important rectify these situations and make things right. I also enjoyed them referencing  Dr. king and his speeches and cases that took place. They also tied in the main  point and explained the truth and the focus of Black Lives Matter.


This is just what I was looking for a great article with a call and response Type of feel where they provided instances of Ignorance by politicians who made statements about movement in a bad light. Another reason this article sits well with me because they tied in the main message at the end providing more information on black lives matter and its purpose and what the movement is trying to reach. I personally would have included the main message in the beginning but it worked out well at the end of the day.

MLA Entry

Charles M. Blow. “The Allies betrayal of George Floyd”. The New York Times,7 March.2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/07/opinion/george-floyd-protests.html


The Allies’ Betrayal of George Floyd

During This summer the killing of George Floyd was very Tragic but it would change history. Many of Americans flooded the streets this summer protesting for change in the wake of a string of police killings to unarmed black people, not only did black people protest many of white people did  also, but some did it for the wrong reasons, like for social media like. The more normal life began to feel the support of some of the white protestors vanished. Charles also deferred to article which from FiveThirtyEight about how about the support of the movement was at its highest when George Floyd died but only 3 months later when the shooting of Jacob Blake occurred the support had significantly dropped from those two incidents he said cause of this may be the white republicans. The backlash also continued on a political level when republican legislators in Florida and 21 other states are making new penalties for people who break the law when their protesting. A big message of the summer protest was the police should be defunded, But the by some measure the police funding is down although many states made lower budgets for the police the law enforcement rose on the stock market recently. Prominent democrats denounced the slogan even saying its the reason they did poorly in elections. Later on when it came time for congress to pass the George Floyd policy act only one republican voted for it and he said he pressed the wrong button, but the bill faces challenges in the senate. Charles said the overall allyship that people had to the movement in the summer has quickly faded and it shows that support does not last.


In this article by Charles M. Blow he provides factual advice from polls over a timeline of 3 months that prove his main argument. He also gave reasons as to why people would stop supporting the movement in such a short time after, one of his reasons was The Republican Party, another was people supported for the wrong reasons and once life got semi-normal they stoped caring. The article did a good job at explaining the polls to support the title.


I personally like this article it’s was not too long it gave percentages clearly proving his claim and title right. He also gave reason why maybe this occurred and he showed percents on how protest may have impacted the budgets cut from police. I also like how at the end he gave his real personal opinions of what he thought on the matter and I agree with what he said and really enjoyed learning and summarizing this article.


I feel these two articles gave me insight to things I didn’t know before about the BLM movement and it made my research paper much enjoyable because I’m glad I learned about something I cared about and something that may effect me in life whether that be indirectly or directly. Two of my most important points from each article is that the media tried to portray the BLM in a negative light to persuade people we were the enemy and another is that people used this movement for other reasons then it’s initial purpose which caused in a drop off in real support.







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