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Category: Discussions (Page 3 of 116)

Letter to Editor

Dear Dean P. Banquet,

When I started this project I was completely lost, but I had one goal in mind, and it was to make sure the reader would know why space travel is important to me and how it benefits them going into the future. Its ironic because my research project was to spread awareness about space travel, but it took me hours to find just two articles about why we need to care about exploring space, thankfully I found the best articles I can find to address my concern. Mark Kelly’s  “Don’t Give Up on the International Space Station” was just what I need to grab the readers’ attention because it describes what we can learn about space from the space station and this article was written from someone who has been and worked on the space station and not many people have done that in their lifetime, furthermore I loved how Kelly gave many reasons how the space station was a great investment, and it will continue to be even if it was not made to last for a long time. The next article by Lee Billings talks instantly hooked me in because this article was introducing a book “Beyond: Our Future in Space” by Chris Impey a British astronomer and this book was made for people who have a similar imagination of what the future could look like if country’s and mankind invested more time into space exploration. What particularly liked about this article was because it also gave me the chance to direct and who reads my research project into reading Chris Impey’s book if they are interested in what others may think the future will have in store for us.

Sincerely, Yerime Dieye.

Education Narrative

If there is one thing that needs some change in everyone’s education it has to be how some teachers present themselves to their students. This is a topic can easily be debatable because every student deserves a teacher but not every teacher deserves a student. I make this statement using a friends experience and my personal experience’s with different teachers. I believe not every teacher needs to change, but some could start putting a bit more effort, make better connections with students, so they can understand what that student needs, so they are able to better  themselves and in their classes.

One of the most important moments in my education is in my freshman year of high school had a teacher who was out to get me for a reason I never found out. This teacher would do many things to get me in trouble like giving me late’s when I made it in time, calling me out for not finishing assignments I handed in. In one of the days this teacher tried to get me in trouble he called my mother in front of the class for using a phone even tho at the time I never owned one. I at that moment I knew this is not the type of teacher I want to put up with for the rest of my education, so in an effort to not have these situations come up, I marked what assignments I gave in started to study more for that class and overall I put more effort, so I don’t have to put up with a teacher like this.

If there is one thing I can agree with it has to be watching someone you know personally dig a grave for themselves for me was it was towards the end or my junior up to the middle of my senior year, these were probably the most stressful times for everyone because the SAT and having to decide what college there going too. While I was stressing over my work I started to notice one of my good friend’s was starting to skip classes and just not focusing when he is in the  classes and this was worrying me because our guidance councillor told him he might not graduate if he keeps avoiding classes. In an effort to fix this he started going to the library more and handing in late assignments but at the end this barely boosted his grade, his solution to this was to ask for extra credit, but most teachers denied him because he should have already done his work, hearing this my friend decided to give up and this was sad to see because he talked a lot about impressing his family by making it to collage. Eventually some teachers decided to give him a chance but by then he got rejected from a lot of colleges, but was at least able to get in BMCC.

Just like many others I don’t think it’s a surprise if I say my education has been a rough roller coaster with many of the  teachers I have come across, but there is no teacher as memorable as my middle school teacher Mr.Mcgee. As far as I can remember, most experiences I have had with teachers were just poor, but Mr.Mcgee was different because I had a great experience with him, not only can I say Mr.Mcgee was a role model is in the past for me, he is still a role model for me now, and I strongly agree when I say he is the perfect role model for other teachers. What made Mr.Mcgee amazing was, he would talk actually listen to his students and by that I mean he got to know family situations, what’s going on the through that student’s mind, overall it was great for many of us students because we had a reliable adult that can answer questions. What made Mr.Mcgee great was, he was tough and understanding for example he gave us as much time we needed for assignments and homework, and if anyone was not able to get it done he would make sure they got it done.

In conclusion, although myself and many other students have had their share of bad  experiences with different teachers, I believe many of these teachers have the potential to be great, and it just depends on how they present themselves, and how the students view them based of that. I know I’m not the only one who hates a teacher that just expect us to get every little assignments done on time no excuses, or a textbook teacher who has lessons that make you fall asleep in class. In my eyes’ teacher is someone who can connect with students on a personal level,  they are able to give that student the time they need, a teacher should also be able to give lessons that are engaging and make that student want to learn. If a teacher can do this they can easily go from a good teacher to a great.


My name is Briana Celestin and i am currently a 19 year old freshman in New York City College of Technology. I am an Haitian American born and raised in Brooklyn, New York . I am an independent black woman who strives for nothing but the best. I am very reliable to get things done when I am confident in what I ‘m doing but, the moment I feel unaware of something I won’t hesitate to ask questions before I proceed. I may not be the smartest person but you will notice that I put a great deal of effort into my work. After Graduating High School my goal was to pursue a career in the nursing field. New York City College of Technology was not only an option for me because I knew a few people who expressed admiration for this school’s nursing program but because after doing my own research I found that On average, City Tech nursing graduates pass the National Council Licensing Examination with higher mean scores than the combined average of all schools of nursing in New York State.

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