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Category: Class Introductions (Page 2 of 5)

Mahmmoud Shaban Introduction

Hey! My name is Mahmmoud Shaban and I’m 19 years old. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY on Christopher “Notorious B.I.G.” Wallace Way. My family consists of my mother, father, and  my two siblings.  My mom was born in Jordan and my dad was born in Puerto Rico. Since both of my parents haven’t went to college they have high expectations in me getting a college degree and choosing a good profession. My grandfather is very special to me because he motivated me to apply to college. He always gives me the support I need.

This is my first semester at City Tech and I’m looking forward to learning new things and making new friends. I chose to take a year off after graduating from high school and so I started working as a security officer to learn to become more independent and to help me find my passion. I’m looking to major in architecture, I love the idea of coming up with physical structures with an amusing style of design. The reason why I choose to be in City Tech was mainly because they have this major and my high school friends also go to City Tech so thats also a plus. Some of my favorite things to do are cooking, gaming, playing football, hanging out with friends, and trying new things. I also love doing my part time job as a security officer since I get some perks out of it. When I was in high school, I was a little weak in my English classes, but I hope college English is a different experience for me, I mean so far I like it.  To be honest I am not worried about anything i’m feeling very optimistic heading into class since this is a college course.

Ka’s Introduction

Hi, My name is Mariama Ka (a.k.a Maria) I’m 19 years old, I was born and raised in the most down part of NYC ( well in my opinion) Boogie Down Bronx ( Known as The X ). My nationality is African American which my family originated from Gambia and Senegal in West Africa. I am also the second person in my family to go to college which is big, so I have a lot of expectations from not only myself but my family too.  My family and I are Islamic which means I am Muslim. I’m not perfect,  I fail short of practicing my religion as in wearing my hajib every day because I’m Americanized, I mean as I get older I will settle into fully being committed but one step at a time. This is my second semester as a freshman in city tech. I took a whole gap year off due to just wanting to live life. Being in school for 12 years really had my feelings in a bag. I felt like it was a prison for education and so I did a whole year of just me. It gave me soo much clarity in life and my surroundings, which lead me to come back to school to achieve the goal I want. My major is Accounting, The reason why I choose City Tech as my college is that really no reason, I just felt that it was easier than other options. My favorite hobbies are jamming to music, watching youtube, and chilling with my friends. I love music, my favorite genre is R&B. Welp that’s all that is to me, not really much to say, it still kinda like an on going journey, Even though it’s sucks not being on campus I hope we all get to learn and interact as much as we can.

What Do You Expect From This Class?

This semester what I want to gain from this class is to better my writing skills. The strength that I already know I am strong in is having multiple ideas for and having so much to say. the problem is putting it all in one sense. Also to improve my vocabulary skills.



Week 1 Introduction

Hello! My name is AyNiah Rochester. This is my first year in City Tech.  I am a first generation and its supper exciting.  I don’t know what my major is yet but I would like to major in Dental Hygienist.  I am also interested in business because one day I would love to start my own business.  I came to tech because I couldn’t go away for no more due to changes in my life. I seen that they had a dental program so that is what also made me pick this program. English was normal for me for 9th and 10th grade but when I went to away for school thats all I really took because we didn’t have  traditional classes and eduction. Being that I am in this English class I hope to improve my writing  and reading. Also pass this class.   

 I really enjoy outdoor ed a lot ever since I went away for school a lot of people don’t know this about me. During my time in school I went on a 30 day back packig  trip to start school the second week I got there . we went to Arizona to do this trip and on this we hiked a total of 50 miles with 55 pound pack on our backs it was hard I wanted to leave so many times. I had to adapt to a new life and it was only 2 POC on the trip and we barley knew each other even though he treated me life his life sister. I also rocked climb which was so fun now that I look back at it but I scared  in the moment. I went on a 4 day solo with only a small tarp, pack of water and 4 bars , 6  crackers and gorp.  

if you ever want to know more about the other trips just ask


During this class I would love to be able to improve my reading and writing. This is something I have always wanted to do and have tried to do threw out my life time. It have been improved a lot but it could be better then  what it is. I would love to just be able to write about different topics and grow and get feed back.   

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