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Author: YDieye123 (Page 7 of 7)

Sea Snake Essay

If you did not A fear of snakes, or a fear of poison then what I’m about to tell will make you have one. Someone might think the King Cobra might be at the top of the chain for the for being of the most dangerous snakes with its poison, but scientist have discovered the sea snake is even more deadly with at least 50 times more venom than the King Cobra. This is very scary because so far there is no reason for it to have this much venom.  If you are scared then here’s some good news because unless you are a fisherman you should be relatively safe. Fishermen should be fine as well as long as they are not careless they won’t end up as victims because the coral snake will always end up injecting its venom with a slow poison that is fatal 25% of the time.


Hi, My name is Yerime Dieye I’m currently 18 years old, I was born in Senegal, August 31st 2002, and I immigrated to the U.S. with my mother at the age of 6.  Growing up it was a little tough for me at first because I was put in an unfamiliar environment very fast but as time passed I learn to adapt.  A big point about me is I’m an introvert I really love staying inside, that’s why unlike others I actually enjoy remote learning because now I don’t have to wake up every morning getting ready to go somewhere. I currently major in computer information, and I’m hoping I can enjoy my next few years in city Tech.

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