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Author: Muhammad Javaid (Page 5 of 12)


I read the article Sports Meant So Much To Me. Why Wouldn’t My Son Play. I choose This Article Because I am also an athlete and I like sports but this article talks about how everyone doesn’t have the same interests . In this article, the authors talk about his experience of being a hockey player and his love of sports. The author had a son. He wanted his son to play sports so he uses to take him out to play all the time he also sometimes forced him to play sports early on the author would also sometimes have fights with his wife because his wife did not like sports and didn’t want her son to play sports rather she wanted him to do art and music the author son name was Raffi he had some physical problems which lead him to slow recovery in sports his son did not have interest in sports when his father use to push him but later he started liking it but his father had to remove him because of a tight schedule. But later the author stops pushing him to sports then the corona came and his son by himself started wearing the hokey pads and started running around the house and got pretty good at it. Later his father figures out that he was passing his son to mush and realize that if you should not push your children’s they will find their own path. I agree with the author that you should not push someone to do something this would just lead them to hate it but you should be calmer with them let them choose.

Education Narrative Final Draft

My Education Experence.

Education in school teaches us a lot of important stuff in our life. It introduces us to a lot of new people one of them might as be our best friend for life or it can lead you to a bad company. This can lead you to failure but education gives you your own choice to choose from. it also leads you to be a decision-maker during your education career there is a lot of ups and downs that you have to cope with which really get you ready for your adult life. I think education is very important in life like Malcolm x says “education is the passport to future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. The education gets you really ready for your future. Here Is my experience with education.

In my junior year, My U.S history teacher told us to pick a partner and you guys have to go to the museum of native Americans in Manhatten. I got really excited because I like to go places and also learn about different people’s history so I chose one of my middle school friends as my partner. Who was in my high school class we decided to go to that museum together early in the morning as we took the subway we started talking about our memories from middle school and also how well we are gonna do this project as we arrived at the measure we smelled the adventure we took out our cell phones to record videos and to take pictures and a notebook to take notes for our project we learned a lot of fantastic history of native Americans a lot of things amazed us about how they live and their contributions to the modern world we left after we made sure we have enough information for our project one thing we learned from them is life is not all about materialistic things as we were leaving we starting thinking about how we are gonna present this and also make it entertaining to the class at that point we were nervous because public speaking sometimes can get nerve-racking we had alot of questions in our head if the students gonna like because we thought they would not be get bored and will not pay attintence so we decided to make it funnier we were also concerned if the teacher would give us good grade how will she react next day we edited the videos and got ready to give a speech it was the day. we came to class and everyone was smiling at us and giving us a look that today is your tern guys. as the teacher called on us we got up we turned on our video and starting presenting without feeling nervous, we were really happy because all the students were laughing and engaged and they also gave us good feedback and also the teacher gave us good grades.

Another experience is during middle school. As I was new to new york and it was my first day in middle school I was very excited and at the same time nervous as I walked into class everything was going well and I liked it then the teacher told everyone to introduce themselves I was like ok that’s pretty good so as everyone started introducing themself and I was enjoying it, but then all of the sudden it’s was my turn so I got up and started speaking about my self and all of the sudden everyone started laughing because I pronounced something wrong so I got very nervous and the student starts making fun of me time to time According to “maybe I could save myself by writing” what I wanted and desperately need in those moments was a book to help me make sense of all my questions. Like the author felt lost I also felt lost so then I said to myself I have to improve my English, so I started going to my local library and started socializing with people as I liked. My teacher was really nice to she helped me improve my English she always checked up on me if I needed help every day she gave me some sentences to write that helped me improve my English and also she told me if your English is weak didn’t mean you are dumb she said you already on next lever by knowing two languages so let people tell you are not smart enough.

Education is taken very seriously in my family. Education is not only the way you learn. It is the way you talk deal with people and the way you act as my parents say. ordinary people with extraordinary vision can redeem the soul of America by getting into what I call good trouble this quote talks about how an ordinary person can become extraordinary. My parents always talk to me about how much education is important also, In my culture education is not taken for granted because a lot of people could not educate their children due to poverty. For me, education means a lot too because I will need it for my future if I wanna get a job or if I wanna start my business or in general. If I wanna know what is going around me. I don’t want to be left out. I believe that education is everywhere you don’t have to specifically go to school to get the education you can just read books, travel also from internet, etc there are many ways to educate yourself.

Another experience is from my high school. One day I was walking in the hallway to my next class in my high school. It was my final year in high school and I was excited to be a senior. While I was walking I saw my old friend from middle school. Who I remembered was hardworking and use to get good grades. I saw him hanging out with the wrong people and running into a lot of trouble. according to promised land, it says there are people in the world who think only about themselves they don’t care what happens to other people so long as they get what they want. They put other people down to make themselves feel better. There are people in the world who think only about themselves they don’t care what happens to other people so long as they get what they want. They put other people down to make themselves feel better. So the people he was hanging out with didn’t care about his school. I asked him about how were his classes going and was he good to graduate because I wanted all, my friends, to graduate together and enjoy that day together he replied that he is missing some credits and he is failing a lot of classes and he was cutting his classes. I felt really sad and told him that you really have to focus and watch who you hang out with. I told him to let’s meet up after school and do our homework together some days of the week so we started going to the library together and also I had a U.S history class with me which he was struggling with so I started tutoring him in that class and he started to focus and his grades really improved a lot but. He was still missing some credits so his counselor gave him a lot of online classes. Which he was stressed about and then the coronavirus started spreading. So the school was online now which helped him focus more and I also helped him by face timing him. He worked so hard and he passed all his classes but we were not able to celebrate our graduation as we wanted together but we did it online.

In conclusion, Education is very important because it teaches us a lot of important lessons in our life. Education means a lot to my family and it is very important to me. It taught me a lot of stuff in my life and I am still learning. Education is not just in school it is everywhere it is a part of you. Education is the way you act, speak, present yourself, and how to react to certain things and it is about helping others.

Free write

Writing my first college essay was nice because so far I have good experience with college but before college started I was nervous and I was lost I didn’t know how to use the cuny website and everything just looked strange but as time is going everything is becoming more and more clear now I know how to use the website and where the announcements are at so I won’t fall behind. My professors are also very nice so far they don’t load me with a lot of work. The difficult thing about writing the easy was just getting started the introduction was the hardest because it took me a while to choose three from a lot of my education memories. But as I went along it got easier.

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