A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Mariama Ka (Page 5 of 6)

Free write

Today, I woke up with just so much energy. I been thinking with sometimes I want to do an act sport like volleyball or soccer just for the timing. Personally feeling I need to read more books but when I try to I fell asleep half way through a chapter.  I wonder what can help with that. Anyways today I woke up feeling the sun on my face the long day ahead. I wish I had some type of power of knowing how my day go so I can alter it when I can. A girl can imagine huh? But over all can’t wait for the rest of my day.

Week 1 – Sea Snake Exercise

Sea Sanke is the most poisonous snake in the world. They are even deadlier than a cobra and death adder. The venom of a Sea Snake is fifth times greater than a King Cobra snake. Even though this snake venom is incredibly deathly, it doesn’t always use its venom when it bites, nobody knows why exactly. When the snake does use its venom when it stricks, the poison slowly takes effect, and its %25 fatal. The victims that interact with this type of species are mostly Fishermans, some accidental reason is stepping on sea snakes or carelessly handling them.


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