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Author: Mariama Ka (Page 3 of 6)

Education Exercises 2

Educational writing exercise

When I was in the 10 grade I had a group of friends who never wanted to do there work. Always skip class and do things they wasn’t supposed too. I always felt like the odd one because I wanted to hang out with them but I never wanted to get in trouble. I was too scared of my mom to even think about skipping school. Being in an African household, you are taught at a young age to never play with your education because your parents worked hard to get you the freedom to have one. As for all households I assume, but at a time I also had another group of friends that was basically the geniuses of my class year. They would be the at the top of their classes and all passing grades. I my grades was also passing or average enough to make it to the next year. I would always feel left out of that group as well. Feeling unbalanced in between two groups was very overwhelming. Wanting to be there for my friends and still follow my own path was a lot to juggle. Going through that I needed someone to talk to lucky for my I had a Para who was always by my side not helping me with my work but keeping me focused and reminding me what’s the goal. Her name was Ms.April. She was like a mom at school for me. Always could count on her to check my work any help I need school wise she was there. When I spoke to her about my issues it was one thing she told me that stood out to me the most. “ always put yourself and your goals first, now that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or you have to cut off your friends but you have to have to make sure your friends don’t mixing in with your life goals. How would you feel if all your friends past and you still behind? That would really suck and put you behind , so forget about what your friends want and put yourself first!” That motivated me in even situations that came when it came to my friends and goals. To always put myself first!

Pillbugs Exercise- Mariama & Ayania


Pillbugs are backyard occupants all around the world. they are given that name because when they are interrupted or frighten they roll into a ball shape sphere. Pillbugs are actually like crustaceans/ crabs. They can breathe through their gills instead of their lungs. Their gills are on the underside. It always has to be kept moist, that’s why they’re always in damped areas. The Sowbugs are closely related to the Pillbug, the difference is that they cant roll up like them, and they’re much flatter.



Pillbugs are common backyard inhabitants. They are called pillbugs because when disturbed they roll into a ball in the form of a pill. The sowbug is a close relative. It looks similar but it’s not the sowbug is flatter and it can not roll itself up. Pillbugs are crustaceans like crabs and lobsters. They breathe through gills instead of lungs which are located on the underside of the pillbug. Their gills must be kept moist that’s why you can find these animals in a damp environment.

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