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Author: Mariama Ka (Page 2 of 6)

Educational Narrative Essay

How do we know what is our path to success is? Is it a dream that one follows? Is it one that has been pass down us from generations? How do we use education to get to where we want to be. How do we know who we supposed to be? So many questions and only one answer… In Time! It was time that helped me focus, pulled me back on track, gave me time to make mistakes and fix them. Education is nothing without time, if you don’t give yourself the growing need to progress in your timeline how can achieve it? A friend of mine said, ” I read one page from a  book one time long ago, but still didn’t understand the message of it. When I gave myself time to read the whole book, it gave me an understanding”. See picture yourself like a book, if you only read one page that doesn’t show you anything of who you are or who you are to become. Giving yourself time will map out why things such as education are important to carry with you where ever you go.

When I was in the 10 grade I had a group of friends who never wanted to do their work. Always skip class and do things they weren’t supposed to. I always felt like the odd one because I wanted to hang out with them but I never wanted to get in trouble. I was too scared of my mom to even think about skipping school. Being in an African household, you are taught at a young age to never play with your education because your parents worked hard to get you the freedom to have one. As for all households I assume, but at a time I also had another group of friends that was basically the geniuses of my class year. They would be at the top of their classes and all passing grades. My grades were also passing or average enough to make it to the next year. I would always feel left out of that group as well. Feeling unbalanced between the two groups was very overwhelming. Wanting to be there for my friends and still follow my own path was a lot to juggle. Going through that I needed someone to talk to,  lucky for me I had a para who was always by my side not helping me with my work but keeping me focused and reminding me what’s the goal. Her name was Ms.April, she was like a mom at school for me. Always could count on her to check my work any help I need school wise she was there. When I spoke to her about my issues it was one thing she told me that stood out to me the most. “ always put yourself and your goals first, now that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or you have to cut off your friends but you have to have to make sure your friends don’t mix in with your life goals. How would you feel if all your friends passed and you still behind? That would really suck and put you behind, so forget about what your friends want and put yourself first!” That motivated me in even situations that came when it came to my friends and goals. To always put yourself first!

When I was in the 11th grade, I went through a phase of concernment about my future. Which I had doubts of, the things I am learning now will it help me in the future? I started to look at all the classes I had, Economics, English, Algebra 2, music, and so on. I started to question my teacher even more. It was a Friday morning and I have Algebra 2, with my now close teacher Ms.Dragon, I asked her what is the purpose of her teaching me this? In her face, she seems appalled. She asked me what do you mean? As if I should already know the answer. So I asked her again but differently. Why are you teaching me this is if I know for a fact I won’t ever use this in my deal life? Isn’t school prepping students for real-life? She looked into my eyes like a dragon looking at its prey and said stay with me after class I’ll give you your answer then just continue the problem I gave you. I nodded and waited. In the midst of waiting curiosity was streaming through my veins. I wonder what’s her response gonna be, is she gonna give me detention for interrupting her class? Ugh, what a drag. So the ending of the class came and every other student had left. She sat right across from the sit in front of me and said, “ you want to know why this is important? Think of yourself do you feel ready to go into the real world? I mean if you do, you can drop out today and live your best life with what you know now, or continue to learn more knowledge and other things that can maybe or maybe not help you, but give you the power to create better knowledge. See an apple doesn’t fall from a tree unless it’s fully grown. Or a butterfly doesn’t come out of its cocoon midway converting into its wings.

Everyone needs a reminder of staying on track, keeping yourself focus, I can’t even number the numbers of times I felt lost and needed a wake-up call. Let’s go way back,  I was in this 8th grade and at that time, I hated waking up to go to school. My mom did everything to wake me up to be on time, Pouring cold water on me, Slapping me,  I mean she even sat on me to get up. No, seriously she jumped on top of my head,  It was like a big whale sinking me underwater, so tragic right? My mom did her very best to support me in school, I mean she’ll even kill herself just to get me a seat in a classroom to learn, what a weirdo. But this one day I never thought her methods would actually work that she made me realized how badly I missed school. On a stormy snowy day just a few days before winter break, I had lied to my mom saying that I’m sick just so I won’t have to go outside. She knew I was lying but let it played out. I thought it was all cool and she fell for it, But it was just the starting of my day. My mom then had woke me up at 11 am, made me extra clean the entire house, do all the laundry and food shopping by the time I got home it was 6 pm and my feet were killing me. I felt like a child back in the day when they worked for long periods of time and small breaks. My mom came to my room and ask me if I  rather do chores every day or go to school and get my education? I think we all knew the answer to that. The next morning I woke up early and on time for school, I was upset about all the labor but I’m glad my mom the way she is, I’m glad she cares.

In conclusion, It’s okay to make mistakes or get lost in your way of direction. As long as you have time, you can overcome anything you do. Throughout my whole life being in school, my experiences shape me to become who I want to be in this life and how I want to leave my mark. Even though I am still continuing on my journey, this is just the beginning, and the hard part is now among. But from then to now, It was time that showed me how important education is needed, not just only for me but everyone around me. So I ask you, how do you use your time ?


Educational Narrative Rough Draft

When I was in the 10 grade I had a group of friends who never wanted to do their work. Always skip class and do things they weren’t supposed to. I always felt like the odd one because I wanted to hang out with them but I never wanted to get in trouble. I was too scared of my mom to even think about skipping school. Being in an African household, you are taught at a young age to never play with your education because your parents worked hard to get you the freedom to have one. As for all households I assume, but at a time I also had another group of friends that was basically the geniuses of my class year. They would be at the top of their classes and all passing grades. My grades were also passing or average enough to make it to the next year. I would always feel left out of that group as well. Feeling unbalanced between the two groups was very overwhelming. Wanting to be there for my friends and still follow my own path was a lot to juggle. Going through that I needed someone to talk to,  lucky for me I had a para who was always by my side not helping me with my work but keeping me focused and reminding me what’s the goal. Her name was Ms.April, she was like a mom at school for me. Always could count on her to check my work any help I need school wise she was there. When I spoke to her about my issues it was one thing she told me that stood out to me the most. “ always put yourself and your goals first, now that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or you have to cut off your friends but you have to have to make sure your friends don’t mix in with your life goals. How would you feel if all your friends passed and you still behind? That would really suck and put you behind, so forget about what your friends want and put yourself first!” That motivated me in even situations that came when it came to my friends and goals. To always put me first!

When I was in the 11th grade, I went through a phase of concernment about my future. Which I had doubts of, the things I am learning now will it help me in the future? I started to look at all the classes I had, Economics, English, Algebra 2, music, and so on. I started to question my teacher even more. It was a Friday morning and I have Algebra 2, with my now close teacher Ms.Dragon, I asked her what is the purpose of her teaching me this? In her face, she seems appalled. She asked me what do you mean? As if I should already know the answer. So I asked her again but differently. Why are you teaching me this is if I know for a fact I won’t ever use this in my deal life? Isn’t school prepping students for real-life? She looked into my eyes like a dragon looking at its prey and said stay with me after class I’ll give you your answer then just continue the problem I gave you. I nodded and waited. In the midst of waiting curiosity was streaming through my veins. I wonder what’s her response gonna be, is she gonna give me detention for interrupting her class? Ugh, what a drag. So the ending of the class came and every other student had left. She sat right across from the sit in front of me and said, “ you want to know why this is important? Think of yourself do you feel ready to go into the real world? I mean if you do, you can drop out today and live your best life with what you know now, or continue to learn more knowledge and other things that can maybe or maybe not help you, but give you the power to create better knowledge. See an apple doesn’t fall from a tree unless it’s fully grown. Or a butterfly doesn’t come out of its cocoon midway converting into its wings.

Everyone needs a reminder of staying on track, keeping yourself focus, I can’t even number the numbers of times I felt lost and needed a wake-up call. Let’s go way back,  I was in this 8th grade and at that time, I hated waking up to go to school. My mom did everything to wake me up to be on time, Pouring cold water on me, Slapping me,  I mean she even sat on me to get up. No, seriously she jumped on top of my head,  It was like a big whale sinking me underwater, so tragic right? My mom did her very best to support me in school, I mean she’ll even kill herself just to get me a seat in a classroom to learn, what a weirdo. But this one day I never thought her methods would actually work that she made me realized how badly I missed school. On a stormy snowy day just a few days before winter break, I had lied to my mom saying that I’m sick just so I won’t have to go outside. She knew I was lying but let it played out. I thought it was all cool and she fell for it, But it was just the starting of my day. My mom then had woke me up at 11 am, made me extra clean the entire house, do all the laundry and food shopping by the time I got home it was 6 pm and my feet were killing me. I felt like a child back in the day when they worked for long periods of time and small breaks. My mom came to my room and ask me if I  rather do chores every day or go to school and get my education? I think we all knew the answer to that. The next morning I woke up early and on time for school, I was upset about all the labor but I’m glad my mom the way she is, I’m glad she cares.



The Promise Land Summary

Reading “A Promised Land” by Barack Obama, He describes the ongoing morning routines of how he felt going to the Office feeling the first slap of winter wind or pulse of summer heat; the place where I’d gather my thoughts, ticking through the meetings that lay ahead, preparing arguments for skeptical members of Congress or anxious constituents, girding myself for this decision or that slow-rolling crisis. He would do the Hawaiian walk as Michelle would call it, passing through the White house greeting the staff having the weight of being the president is very over whelming andsometimes he reflects on his life and the people that supported him to get him back on his feet.  Obama didn’t grew into having a foot in being what he is now, it to hard work and dedication to achieve his goal. “I DON’T COME from a political family. My maternal grandparents were midwesterners from mostly Scots-Irish stock. They would have been considered liberal, especially by the standards of the Depression-era Kansas towns they were born in, and they were diligent about keeping up with the news. “It’s part of being a well-informed citizen,” my grandmother, whom we all called Toot (short for Tutu, or Grandma, in Hawaiian), would tell me, peering over the top of her morning Honolulu Advertiser.” This quote basically in my opinion shows that over looking your life and your family life moves you to follow your purpose and wanting to do more for the world.

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