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Author: Mahmmoud Shaban (Page 5 of 10)


During my weekend i was driving around with my little brother and going to places to eat since i always work i haven’t been able to see what he has been up to lately so i made some plans so i can catch up on what he has been doing and it was great he told me that his doing well in his final year in high school which is amazing and i always try to help him if there anything that he is struggling with. I also asked him what profession do you want to go in he said a pharmacists being the big bro i am i supported what he wants to do and told him if you need a college suggestion i have one but he made his mind up and i’m happy for him because he is learning to be independent which i’ve tried to get him to become independent early at least it’s getting there. At the end at least we both had so much fun during the weekend and i would do it again.

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during my 10th grade in high school i was in math class it was a sunny day and i’ve always seen one kid thats been always struggling in math and one wanted to help or they either tried and he just couldn’t understand what they were doing so one day i figured let me try to help him since math is my favorite subject and i’m pretty good in math. So i started sitting next to him in class and just started breaking down everything the teacher was saying and it actually helped him through math and he started picking up with how i broke down the equations and problems and started understanding math and actually started enjoying the subject. He went from giving up and now to being one on my closest friend. I loved that fact that i was able to help someone and make them do something amazing with there future this was an amazing experience.


A PROMISED LAND by president Barack Obama is talking about how he’s struggled in life to get to where he is today and about the oval house and how his grandparents been a big role in his life but would never think one day he will become president of the united states of america. Barack Obama talks about how he went on walks in the garden and loved to talk to the workers. His grandparents wanted to see him become a judge, he also didn’t talk with his father as much who he didn’t live with but sent him letters letting him know whats going on and his mother was a independent women who inspired him to what he loves.

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