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Author: Janet Vaquero (Page 2 of 7)

A promised land summery

“A promised land”  by former president Barack Obama he begins speaking of his view in the white house in the oval office where neither himself or his family  would have imagined. He goes onto speaking about his walks in the garden where he a small encounter with one of the gardeners Mr. Ed Thomas he admired the pride he nd the rest of the workers took in their jobs. He the continues to speak about his first memories of politics. Although he did not come from a political family  his grandparents wanted him to be informed ” a well informed citizen ” they said. He then  goes on to talk about his teenage years where he remembers picking on another student where his disappointed grandmother confronted him on , making him question the kind of person he wants to be and the path he will take in life. The overall message i got from the passage is that  before all he is a father, husband, son/grandson, and a friend.

Free Write – Pandemic advice

During these hard time i recommend learning new skills. Due to the lock down and my extreme boredom i learned how to sew and thread my eyebrows. Threading came in handy because now i save money due to not having to go to the salon to do my eyebrows anymore. Also discovering new shows,movies , and books.Also i wish i would have pushed myself to get ready so it could keep me more sane lol . I also wished i would have used the time to exercise but i was to lazy

Pillbugs Isadora & Janet

    Pillbugs are back yard inhabitants around the world. They are named pillbugs due to their ability to roll into a ball like an old fashioned pill. They are close relatives of a snowbug but snow bugs are unable to roll into a ball and are a lot flatter. Pillbugs are actually part of the crustaceans family, like crabs and lobsters. Pillbugs breathe through their gills instead of lungs like most crustaceans , their gills are located underneath the opposite of their armor. You can find pillbugs near damp places due to the fact they need to keep their gills slightly wet/moist.

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