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Author: Diante Carr (Page 5 of 9)

Educational Story

Have you ever had a defining moment in your life? something That shaped the person you’ve become today, here my story about education and what I faced and how I overcame to become a better student and learn from my mistakes over the years.

A defining  moment in my education is when I was I was in middle school when my teacher lied to me about receiving an honor roll award. Back in middle there were these quarterly award ceremonies in which they awarded everyone from k-8 grade and at that point I have never won any awards in my two years of being there so I was pushing to get my  grades together to finally achieve and to become a better student. One day in class my teacher pulled me aside and I thought I was in trouble but instead she was telling me that I would receive honor roll for this past quarter at the next award ceremony I even ask her did she make a mistake because I couldn’t believe it, I was so excited I told my family and they were so excited for me. Then on a cold Monday the start  of a new quarter I walked in to the award ceremony and it took along time for them to reach 8th grade but when they did I was nervous, but ready to finally hear my name called for doing something good. The principal began to call 8th grade names and there were only four people being awarded this day and one by one they went down the list and I thought id be the last name called but no it was my friend so it was a bitter sweet moment and instantly I began to breakdown but I had to keep my composure because there was a lot of people but eventually I ended up getting honor roll.


The realist point in my academic career came in 2012 at the end a Fifth grade. Through elementary school I struggled with my academics a lot some of the reason was on my behalf because my lack determination to be a better student and it was also the school environment where they didn’t discipline the kids or penalize them for their behavior and bad grades. Around may fifth graders in school began receiving  letters on where they would be attending middle school and I hadn’t got too many letters back from any middle schools and time was getting closer to graduation, I was a little bit worried but no totally discourage because I seen everyone was getting accepted to this one school where I also wanted to go. Later on I finally get my letters in the mail and I had only got accepted to one school which was choir academy, I have never heard of this school at the moment but decided look it up and ask around and all I kept hearing was bad things about this school, how it didn’t have any windows and its graduation rate was low, and that there were many fights. At this point I’m terrified and panicking throughout the whole summer until finally my aunt referred me to the catholic middle school which saved my life.

My Last defining moment came throughout my whole Highschool career and first semester of college. In Highschool one of my biggest troubles was with algebra and any math through the years. The relationship with math started off on a bad foot with algebra 1 in ninth grade, this class had a multitude of problems like, the teacher couldn’t control the students, The teacher didn’t make sure we learned and understand the work, and at one point she stop teaching and just gave handouts with no lessons. This and my actions led to me failing my algebra 1 regents and this where everything went downhill, throughout my next 3 years I became kind of fearful of the test, I started to avoid the test and its not like I was being taught how to learn algebra, every they just moved me on to a different subject which the same things would happen, I admit on later I was less determine to learn any new math and often didn’t care. Later on I finally pass the regent in  order to graduate in which I barley passed and I moved on to college where my past caught up to me. My first year of college we al had to take this entry exams being the late person I am I waited to all summer to take it and being that it was summer I had no refresher of any math that I was going to be tested on and being my history with math this was recipe for disaster which resulted in failure of test. This was a bad block in the road for me because I’d ether take remedial classes or not be able to take any classes, this where I got introduced to math start where my math journey began to prosper and re- learned math in a whole new way in which down the line to pass the class I had to take the exam all over again which I passed with flying colors.

To conclude through my life I’ve had many ups and downs through my educational career and these tribulations is a testament to the student and the man I am becoming, at some of these points in my life I was very distraught but found away to overcome my environment and my personal learning troubles, throughout these I gained a lot of knowledge about school and most importantly myself.

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