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Author: Cindy (Page 1 of 6)

Unit 3 Letter to The Editor

Dear Miriam Jordan,

Everyone has a passion for something and well for you is talking about what goes on in theses detention centers and how immigrants are getting treated. Many of us have no clue what happens inside or others don’t seem to care. Some of you believe you don’t make any difference by writing articles based on topic you feel strong about but in reality you do make a difference a little one. You may ask your self what else you can do to make a difference well apart from taking interviews get some footage if you can and show it to the world. Many of you also risk you’re lives just to get the story/ information. Miriam Jordan you are one of them you traveled from Arizona all the way to Tennessee on a bus just to get to the facility to tell us what happens. How does your family feel about all of this? They should feel proud that you care about others and their well-being.

Their should more people interested in what goes on with the kids that cross the border every day many risk it all just to get here. For Many it’s their last day seeing their family and for others is a new chapter. Many are fleeing from their country because of death threats or because they need the money. When entering the facility what was your first reaction how did you feel before and after the interview with the kids. Hearing the statement from one of the officers saying “I didn’t sign up for this”  and hearing that all the children’s wear a bracelet with a barcode just to keep track of them. My reaction when I first read your article was frustrating because how can some of these officers feel okay with all these violations? Most of these officers can be ok with everything they do but not all of them feel that way. Those who don’t agree with the choices of their fellow coworkers can’t speak up because they might be scared of loosing their jobs.

Also in your article with Simon Romero and Zolan Kanno-Youngs I like it how the three combine your interest just to make that article stronger. You also mentioned “Biden administration is struggling to find space for migrant children and teenagers because its almost three times the level seen last year”. Meaning that majority are kids and teenagers traveling for better opportunities and to also help their families back home. Instead they are stuck in theses overcrowded facilities where they are given a few mats to sleep in or on the floor piled up next to each other.  Seeing these conditions that they experienced is crazy because the government doesn’t take interest to see how their facilities are running. Theses articles made me realize that everything that the government shows us is not always true. It has also made me realize that we can all make a difference but at the end it benefits those who are involved. During the pandemic not a lot was done exposing many of them to this virus they were never given a test to see if they were positive or negative.

What would you do if you were in that position if you were a kid traveling all the way from your home and go to a different country? The information you have collected over the years. How does it make you feel? What do you think should be done differently? Interviewing all of these kids coming from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and other countries Hearing their stories makes it insane what they go through for an opportunity. People who are born hear should feel lucky they have all theses opportunities and should take advantage. Those who don’t take advantage of these opportunities should be the main audience for these articles. Try to find a way to have them become your audience and make them see that no everyone has the same advantages.

Free Write

Well this semester I had ups and downs I was struggling in the begging because there was a problem with my financial assistance and if I didn’t do something about it to fix it I would have to pay all that money out of pocket and luckily I have a job but until now my financial aid got fix and that is a relief for me because it was too much money to pay. I’m actually glad about this class because evetime I come to class the professor greets us with so much joy. There are some achievement I got to do in class reading articles about a topic that means a lot to me or that I can understand from.

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