During all my years of school I was always shy and I wouldn’t  raise my hand in class when i needed help because i thought the other students would laugh at me and call me names . I wouldn’t ask for help and i was very insecure and thought I was dumb because I saw how other students would move faster than me and get their work done while i was still behind not even halfway done with mine . Even thought I was always this way i feel like 9th grade was the real turning point for my whole school career. In 2016 I graduated from middle school so my family thought it was a great time to move to Florida since i had to attend a new school any way being that i graduated. I was furious at the thought that i would be leaving my friends ,my way of living and my while lifestyle behind. Now in Florida instead of starting in September we started in the school in the second week of August , and i was not happy about it . School was a totally different ,the students had different accents than what i was used to and the schools were so much bigger , and I am VERY anti social ,I am the type of person that if you don’t come to me I would  just be there by myself  and we would not become friends.Talking about me being shy anti social etc may not seem relevant to my eduction but it played a huge roll and affected my whether i moved to the next grade or got left back.

While attending school in Florida I felt so alone I refused to go up to anyone because I had a huge fear of rejection.  On my first day I had to sit in the nurses office and wait until my came to pick me up ,how embarrassing. The faculty ,teachers , guidance counselors and especially the school principal were no help, the people who you think are suppose to be there for you basically just leave you in the dust . At a meeting one day with the principal ,my mother and myself …  my mom explained to the principal why i had trouble adapting to the school environment .He told my mom that  I should just go up to people make friends and try to adjust but that just wasn’t me ,even tho i had acquaintances and other people who were nice to me i still never really had friends so i continued to be alone. I was basically doomed from then on .After Five  or  six  months of living in Florida my family decided that it wasn’t for us. during the Christmas break we took a trip back to New York after moving  my mom rented a car and everything ,I was so excited to see my friends , people I knew and just be in an environment that I was used to . When my family and I officially moved back to New York , you would think everything would go back to normal . Since the age of ten i was sure that  I would be a chef when i grow up , so while my mom searched for a culinary arts school for me I attended Edward R.Murrow which was the first school i was going to go to if i did not move to Florida .From then on it was hell for me . In that  school I had the same  problem