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Author: Bri (Page 3 of 3)

Works Cited

Goldbaum, Christina. “The Only Thing That Can Really Save The Subway Riders.” The New York Times, 22 March 2021,       www.nytimes.com/2021/03/22/nyregion/nyc-subway-coronavirus.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage.

Newman, Andy. “Advocates For Homeless People Sue The New York Subway System Over Pandemic Rules.” The New York Times, 12 February 2021, www.nytimes.com/2021/02/12/nyregion/homeless-nyc-subway.html?searchResultPosition=2

Education Narrative Final Draft

Have you ever felt like you were put on this on this earth for a purpose? But don’t know what your purpose is just yet well that was me. It was my first year of 6th grade we all had the mindset of getting A’s and B’s on all our assignments/report cards so we can get into a good high school once I got to my middle school everything for me went downhill. The mentality I had in my head didn’t work for me anymore after a week passed everything to me was so nonchalant, the work felt like it was just too much and the class periods felt like it wasn’t going anywhere so sitting down for too long made me feel like I was anxious to get up and leave the class. Education meant a lot to me because the more you know it would better you in life. I was always the perfect A and B student. I had always done my work and I always showed that I had potential.

During this time Hurricane Sandy came about and I remember this like it was yesterday. Ms. Laffamiclin and her family got hit by the Hurricane and that resulted in her missing the entire school year. We had substitute teachers back to back until we had got a permanent substitute teacher and that didn’t end too well for the rest of my classmates, and I. I made a lot of friends in my class during the time of us getting substitutes back to back in my classes and we wouldn’t do any work. We would fool around and leave the classroom when we felt like going to our guidance counselor and I would skip my class to hang out with boys and other girls that use to skip we would and go to other classes and if the teacher’s door was close we would bang on the front or back door and start running to a staircase way until we all caught our breathe and continue running and fooling around and sometimes we would go back to class the last 5 minutes before the bell rings or sometimes we wouldn’t go back at all we would just go to our next class. Messing around and not doing my work and falling with the wrong crowd turned my life for the worst.

A few weeks later we had got our progress reports, oh boy those grades were looking horrendous. The only thing visible was the F’s going up and down on my progress. I knew I couldn’t take this home to my Haitian raised parents who believed your grades are a reflection of who you are as a person and it would show her what I’ve been doing in school. At this point, I knew I had to go to my teacher and get makeup work try to do all my makeup work I had work from September to  December to try to bring my grades up for report cards. A couple of months later Parent teachers Conferences came and my mother and father weren’t able to come due to work so I was to trying to kiss up to Mr.  Joseph(permanent sub) to see if I can make up work so my grades can go up, therefore, he wouldn’t have to call my parents because they didn’t make it to parents teachers conference and I didn’t bring back the sign progress report

I knew I would’ve been in so much trouble with my parents, I spent my lunch periods and recess trying to do my makeup work messing out on all the fun with my friends, but time doesn’t wait for anyone 30 minutes and lunch flew by so fast I felt like the moment I got ready to start doing my assignments it was already time for me to pack everything back up   I didn’t have it in me to do it anymore. Having so many assignments to make up my first marking period was so stressful to me because if I would’ve been doing everything I was supposed to do. This affected me in so many ways because I was the only one left behind out of all my friends that I used to skip class with. I felt so ashamed of myself because I knew I knew I had potential but I just applied the pressure. I ended up having to go to summer school and thinking being in summer school was going to make everything better, things just got worse for me. Waking up every morning just to go to summer school was really dreadful and being in a room that made you feel like your sitting inside a freezer and I can’t speak for everybody else but if I’m too cold I get real sluggish and end up falling asleep. I would still fall asleep every day in summer school although I thought bringing a sweater would help with coldness the room was just too cold for me. Most of the work I did wasn’t finished and if they were finished I showed no work, which resulted in me failing summer school.

Simply put, falling behind in school is very easy but when it’s time to make up work or catch up it can be very stressful for you and can make you feel very overwhelmed. Feels like you have nobody by your side then you got to remember that you did this to yourself and they are consequences, but then remember we are here for a reason no matter how long it takes being patient and persistent I know that one day I will reach my purpose.

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