A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: AyNiah Rochester (Page 5 of 8)


Did you know that pillbugs are common back yard inhabitants. Pillbugs got there name because when they are disrupted they can roll into a ball like an old fashioned pill . They are related to snowbugs. Snow bugs and pillbugs look similar but they are a little flatter and can’t roll. Pillbugs are crustaceans like crabs or lobsters. They breathe threw their gills Instead of lungs. The girls are under the pillbug and must be Kept slightly moist.

Week #3 “Maybe I Could Save Myself By Writing”

SUMMARY- The author wrote about his experience growing up in America (South Suburb Chicago) and not feeling like he belong because he spoke Spanish and none of his teachers spoke it well of enough to help him attend school. His roots are from Mexico (He is Mexcican American) and even when he went back he felt as if he didn’t belong there either because of the language. He started to white pomes to speak about what his experience was as a teenager for him.


RESPONSE — Reading this had my mind thinking a lot basses some of these things has happen to me. I would like to acknowledge that I am a black women and his  experience is different so somethings I couldn’t relate. His story spoke to me in many ways such as when he said “I asked myself to understand what stories were being left out? From whose perspective were we being taught? How else could we write the story? “ Being that I finished my last two years school in none traditional I was able to learn about my history in a different light than what I was taught my whole life it make me ask why are some stories not talked about and what else is a lie that I am being taught.  Even when he spoke about felling like he don’t belong. This is life my life 24/7 and I notice it more when I went away for school . It was 7 black kids and I was the only black girl I felt like I had to be code switch so much so I wouldn’t get in trouble and it was hard till I got tired and allowed my natural hair free and my power voice out. Reading this was amazing and I think a lot of teens and people should read it, it can spark many converstions.

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