Introduction:The diversity and complexity of Asian Americans are significantly higher than that of other ethnic groups. Asian groups from different Asian regions and with different educational backgrounds often differ greatly in socioeconomic status, and their political, religious, and cultural barriers are quite deep, and they are quite alienated from each other. This has caused Asians to have insufficient say in American politics and social life. People should not do anything to hurt people. You can not think Asians brought the virus. Don’t think that every Asian is a bad guy. There are good Asians and bad Asians, but not all of them are bad. 


Rosa, “Attacks Against Asian New Yorkers: What to Know” The New York Times, March 23, 2021

Summary:In this article, the author describes a number of recent terrorist attacks caused by discrimination against Asians. In 2019, there were 29 terrorist attacks against people of Asian descent, because they hated Asians and believed that Asian victims carried coronavirus. So hundreds of people formed protest groups in New York City to protest “Racism is a Virus” and “Stop Asian Hate” protests.

This article presents many, many horror cases of Asian discrimination, both recent and previous, there has been a steady succession of horror attacks on Asians and so real that terrorist attacks happen around us. Not long ago, I saw through a short video that a black man strangled an Asian man until he suffocated and fainted on the subway floor. This warns us not to go out alone as much as possible, and not to go out alone at night. Even discrimination that is not specific to Asians may be hurt.

MLA: Beth Mirza.”Asian Americans Face Violence, Workplace Discrimination” March 22, 2021

Summary: The author of this article tells us that six of the eight people killed in the Atlanta spa shooting were Asian women, and the shooter shot them for no reason. It also tells us that because of the influence of novel coronavirus, the crime of discrimination against Asian people in 2020 has increased by 150% compared with that in 2019, and tells us how to prevent ourselves from being harmed by discrimination against Asian people.

Analyses:This article gives me a strange feeling because it is absurd that service personnel who make contributions to society are still discriminated against. And a threat to other people’s personal safety is really ridiculous.