Children Immigrate to the United States Every day to get a better opportunity’s and help there families back home most of them have horrible accident and sadly loose there life on the way over here or get kidnapped. Kids get caught and are taken to the detention centers and we don’t know what happens to them inside the detention centers all we are told is that they get treated horrible that they are locked up in cages like if they were animals, they aren’t given blanket instead they are given sheets of aluminum foil. Kids starting from the age of one coming here for a better life. ICE officers treating children’s like if they are savages and they are not they are human like everyone else they aren’t less than any of us just because they crossed the bored for a better life. This topic interest me because most of my family are immigrants here and I still have family in México and my cousins don’t have the same opportunity as me and imaging them crossing by them self and them going through those challenges makes me mad because I don’t want them to go through that. I hope to learn form this more information on what happens to the kids? What are they doing so kids don’t get abused in theses centers? Why cant the government help provide recourses?