Education can be very fun at times or very difficult. But thats why we have friends, activities, etc to keep education easy to go to and to be able to feel safe. But you will also have people that will hate you just for who you are but don’t mind them just do the best in school. There are lots of amazing subjects in school but the one that was an easy stroll to the park was math.The quote from “THE PROMISED LAND”. “the there are people in the world who think only about themselves. They don’t care what happens to other people so long as they get what they want. They put other people down to make themselves feel important.Then there are people who do the opposite, who are able to imagine how others must feel, and make sure that they don’t do things that hurt people.”Education overall can be Entertaining, Rough, Friendly.

During my 10th grade in high school I was in math class, I can remember it like it was yesterday. It was a sunny day and I remember looking around and seeing so many math problems and equation. Also i’ve always seen one kid thats always been struggling in math and no one was able to help or either they tried and he just couldn’t comprehend what they were doing so one day I figured let me try to help him since math is my favorite/strongest subject and I always try to help people if i can. So i started sitting next to him in class and making small conversation so he can get comfortable and then i started breaking down everything the teacher was saying but i wasn’t doing the work for him because then he wouldn’t be able to learn and so it actually helped him through math class in the future and so he started picking up the way I was able to break down the equations and problems and started understanding math and actually started enjoying the subject. The quote from “THE PROMISED LAND”. “Three of these guys—Bobby Titcomb, Greg Orme, and Mike Ramos—remain some of my closest friends. To this day, we can laugh for hours over stories of our misspent youth.”He went from giving up and now to being one on my closest friend to this day. I loved that fact that I was able to help someone and make them do something amazing with there future this was an amazing experience that I had.

Another experience that changed my point of view for my education was during my middle school year through out 6th up to 8th grade i was always fighting I didn’t take school very serious until I got to 8th grade I was in a fight with a kid in my art class which can get dangerous but lucky nothing major happened. so we fought and we got sent to the office and when they took us to the office they gave us each a piece of paper to explain what happened. so after that they read that I was the reason why the fight started was so I got a three day suspension and the other kid got a one day suspension.The quote from “MAYBE I COULD SAVE MYSELF BY WRITING”.  ” We were empty bank accounts and it was our teachers’ responsibility to deposit facts.”so during my second day of suspension my principle came and sat down with me and asked me what do you want to become in life I said I want become an architure so she told me that if you want that then you need to stop fighting and start taking your education seriously and so till that day forward i took it upon myself to take school seriously.

During my 12th grade of high school senior trip the school made us pick who we wanted to be in a group with so me and three other friends wanted to stay together. so when we got to our destination we rushed to our room and then straight down to the pool because it was during the summer so everyone wanted to get into the pool luckily we got our own rooms. so one of my friends brought there PS4 and another brought there XBOX we bascially had something to bring that was like a major thing to have first. We were a very hectic group for the teacher that was assigned to us but it was one of our best moment that we can’t forget especially when we almost got ourselves kicked out the trip. The reason why we were almost going to get kicked out was because the first time we had the smoke alarm go off it was very hysterical at the moment until things got serious but luckily we didn’t get kicked out

In conclusion, this essay has discussed how education can be very difficult at times and very entertaining. But we have friends and fun activities at school to make education easier and safer for students to interact and learn. The quote from “HOW TO READ LIKE A WRITER”. “As I struggled to read in this environment, I began to realize that the way I was reading—one word at a time—was exactly the same way that the author had written the text. I realized writing is a word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence process.”Even though you will have some bad times with students, teachers and classwork. But at the end of the day surround yourself with people that are brighter than you.