Education is the most important thing in a person’s life. Everyone needs to be nurtured and educated from an early age in order to become a better person. Because education can change a person, it can make a person better or worse, I will prove how education can make me better through three educational events I have experienced. I’m going to share my previous educational story. They are divided into three parts, one thing about elementary school and two things about high school. These educations have benefited me a lot and benefited my whole life.
The first thing is when I was in elementary school, it was probably the fourth grade because Chinese elementary schools pay much attention to writing (one is the quality of what you write, and the other is the quality of your handwriting is not good or not). At that time, the quality always of my writing was not good also the handwriting is not good too, so the teacher gives me the school for pm school. Because I always can’t write well, the teacher slaps me, (very seriously, she slap me, but I forgot how many times, like a few times) when I finished pm school my father comes to pick me up to home ask me why my face was so red? I answer him because I feel so hot. I’m scared to tell him what just happen. But from then on, I started to write very well because I was afraid of being beaten by the teacher.
The second thing is When I was a freshman in high school, I met a teacher who benefited my whole life. He was a middle-aged male teacher. He always gave students some good suggestions, he always developed a long-term plan, (like how to plan their own future How do colleges make new friends?) Since the first year of high school. He did train outstanding students one after another. Although sometimes the students (including me) feel that what he says is very verbose and annoying, after a period of time thinking about it, it will benefit a lot.
And the last thing is I remember when I was in the fourth year of high school when we finished choose a university, listening to the teacher said about the university, he said a word let me remember, he said, you now classmate sitting next to you may be your best friend in your life, Your college friends may not be as good as the high school friend than sitting next to you now. This sentence may not be what education words, but I learned to cherish the friends around me because they are really important, whether now, or in the future road, will support you, pull you, help you.
I know my experience may be ridiculous, but I really benefited a lot from it.