why is education  so important? Education plays a big role throughout your life. Education shows us the importances of hard work and it helps us grow and develop.

Me and my bestfriends have been friend since middle school. From grades 6th -8th my best friend always had good grades straight A student. she was always on time for school. but then when we got to high school things started to change after a while. my best friend went from having straight A’s to just okay grades. she also stopped coming to school on time she would get to school by 4th or 5th period. Teachers knew we were best friends they always saw us together. It was one time my best friend hadn’t been to school in a month. teachers would ask me about her and tell me



I remember it like it was yesterday. It was my junior year. I had this teacher named Mr.Barkley  we called him Mr.B He taught U.S.History.  History wasn’t alway my best subject but I always managed to get my work done although I did slack a little bit in this class. Huh Who would have thought it would catch up to me right?. Well it definitely did and I learned my lesson . It all started the last week before the semester finished I decided to stay up all night that week to try and get some missing work done. Everyday I went straight home after school. I was finally able to complete most of the work and turn it in.

Education is important to me because it helped shape me into the person i am today. without education i feel like I would be no where i wouldn’t know the things i know now. Also, education is important because the things you learn in school helps you throughout your life you may not think so for example,passing math, studying, and time management. these simple things is what changed my point of view on education.