over the weekend I had a lot of geographic homework my teacher told us to watch a one hour video and answer the questions about the video it was from one of the geographic channels it was about the plants how the plants also do a lot of things that we humans do they communicate they fight and also protect themself I was really surprised how the plants can do a lot of stuff because I never saw them moving they’re is plant called Venus flytrap and it moves fast and trap the insect on it and eats it slowly the insects as they show in the movies. plants also have feelings it made me question that a lot of people don’t eat animals because they believe that killing animals is wrong and they say they feel the pain when humans use them for food but what about the plants? they also feel the pain. one thing I learned from them is self-protection is a natural thing that a lot of living things do no matter how weak they are I learned you always have to stand up for yourself so the next day I went outside and I looked at the plants and I did my little observation on them and they are cute and I appreciate them more.