Education has made a huge impact on everybody. No matter what, everyday your learning something new that you can use for the future or what not. During the last decade of waking up to go to school up until graduation people have accumulated some good or bad experiences through out they’re education journey. There are some good and bad experiences that I carry with either from middle school or high school that until this day I still think about.

One education experience that I had was in middle school, I have just arrived from Dominican Republic, I was in 6th grade everything was new to me at the moment, I didn’t know what to do, id dint know what i was doing but then my homeroom teacher have approached me and stayed until 6pm assisting me with math and English and until this day I thank her for everything that she has done to assist me because it most have been the most tedious thing that have ever stumbled upon her.

Another education experience that I had was with my AP English Literature teacher. It was my last year of of Highschool so I began to slack almost constantly in that class, English was never my strongest subject so a combination of low grades with slacking was a concoction of a catastrophe. We was approaching the last dew days of school and she approached me with the statement of “If you don’t make up your work, you might not be able to graduate.” I remember I kept going to school during regents week just to make up work, when i had all my work at hand I observed her accept late work from other students but she denied my work and said i wasn’t going to graduate and all the teachers that were present in that room were perplexed as to why she wouldn’t accept my work. In the end my principle got involved and I was given a chance to give an audit of what I learned that whole school year, I wasn’t able to walk on stage, but I still received my diploma.

One last experience that i would share would be in Pre-K and it’s a weird one. When I first started Pre-K I remember that we had to go through a test when we first arrived in class. They would test us with scissors about how to hold and walk with it, give us books with letter levels to see how far are we. It was weird now that I think about it, to test us and separate us in groups based on knowledge instead of mixing us to learn from one another, and I remember that it would work like that up until the end of Highschool dividing us into different classes such as 12-1 being the all AP classes in which I was placed and then 12-2 being regular credit classes that seemed much easier to get a good grade.

To conclude with this topic, education if you like or not have been a global system to prepare the next generation of leading or helping the nation, but traversing through said journeys of middle school and Highschool can leave many people with life experiences that will probably not forget and will be used as a great story teller. But these experiences left me with a  really bitter idea of the education system we are being presented with.