If there is any advice I can give to surviving a pandemic is first stock up of essentials by that I mean figure out what you need and what you don’t for example, hygiene, home appliances, and food ingredients, so you can make the food your self. For those who are struggling with income I would recommend budgeting and if you have internet try to pick hide hustles for example tutoring, editing, YouTube, and many more. If you have no experience with these side hustles, there is always free courses to teach you. One obvious thing I would recommend is limit the amount you go outside and always have and mask and wash your hands, it would also be great if you can get tested often. I know staying at home can get boring easily so try to pick up new hobbies for example I learned about the stock market and read manga. One last tip I can give is make sure to exercise at home since going to gym every day is not the safest, so do you best to keep your body healthy.