Dear Dean P. Banquet,

When I started this project I was completely lost, but I had one goal in mind, and it was to make sure the reader would know why space travel is important to me and how it benefits them going into the future. Its ironic because my research project was to spread awareness about space travel, but it took me hours to find just two articles about why we need to care about exploring space, thankfully I found the best articles I can find to address my concern. Mark Kelly’s  “Don’t Give Up on the International Space Station” was just what I need to grab the readers’ attention because it describes what we can learn about space from the space station and this article was written from someone who has been and worked on the space station and not many people have done that in their lifetime, furthermore I loved how Kelly gave many reasons how the space station was a great investment, and it will continue to be even if it was not made to last for a long time. The next article by Lee Billings talks instantly hooked me in because this article was introducing a book “Beyond: Our Future in Space” by Chris Impey a British astronomer and this book was made for people who have a similar imagination of what the future could look like if country’s and mankind invested more time into space exploration. What particularly liked about this article was because it also gave me the chance to direct and who reads my research project into reading Chris Impey’s book if they are interested in what others may think the future will have in store for us.

Sincerely, Yerime Dieye.