Though out the years diabetes has affected multiple people.diabetes is a major cause of blindness,kidney failure ,heart attacks , strokes and lower limb amputation. In 2019 1.5 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes. Diabetes is chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot produce insulin at all. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. I picked this topic because so many people in my life have been affected by diabetes like both sides of my family and my best friend.I was diagnosed at the age of nine.what I hope to learn is different ways to stay healthy.
in the article Jane E. Brody talks about the amount of adults and children that have type 2 diabetes. She goes on the explain that type 2 diabetes comes from being overweight or it can run in your family history. But you can keep it at bay by losing weight and becoming more active. She provides information from different studies about diabetes. As Jane states “the diabetes prevention program study found that moderate weight loss an average of 12 pounds reduced the odds of diabetes. Jane also includes tips on a healthy diet and exercise.
This article is for diabetics and pre diabetics. People who really want to take action when it comes to their health will find this article helpful. In this article it talks about what it good to eat and what you should stay away from. This article also gives you tips about weight loss and how you should go about it
The author Jane E. Brody did an amazing job on this article. I liked how she included food tips and workout tips
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