My topic is about how news affects New York city and his people in different circuntaces and why is important to wactch news, this matter because during this time we were presents of some causes that  made discussion on news and made people worry about the problem, something that I want to know is how people react to this circumstances and how do they take the situation.

Goldbaun, Christina and <span class=”css-1baulvz last-byline”>Ali Kate Cherkis. “The Only thing that can really save  the subway riders.”  New York Times, 22 March 2021,

Gutierrez Jason. “In the Philippines, Attacks on Asian-Americans Threaten ‘Family.” New York Times, 22 March 2021,

The state of New York is surrounded by people from different diversity, all of then go out to do your activities, some of then feel comfortable about how is going but other doesn’t feel the same. When the Covid-19 impact into our life’s and when the time was passing people where getting health mental problems, cause they get a different attitude. right now in the time that we are living, we can see some worry’s and troubles that happened during this day’s. and I feel is very important to know because can help as a info, that many people may don’t talk to much but most of they got in mine and I feel is important to talk about the Covid and listen News, because help you to know the danger’s and try to stay safe abot it. I am curios about how people how people haer this information and how it the takes the situation. is normal that people who listen news the take the things like everything is in peace, nothing wear is gonna happened today either tomorrow. but I personally feel that stay info and understand the sitation is important espacially in conversation. there was more then a moment that 2 adults talk about a theme that I didn’t understand at the begging, and this don’t only happend with  teen’s also with the adults, and the purpose of this is to make people stay safe of what could happend is some place it that occur an accident, an example would be a day that I saw the news where in the station 4 occur an accident but curiusly that’s the train station that I use to go work. so that sound  benefit because instead of take the train 4 I could take another transportation. so that actually sound like a worry or is more a benefit. sound as debate.