For Unit 2 I’m glad the professor allowed us to pick a topic that we are interested in and feel passionate about, that being the topic I’ve decided to research Is Black Lives Matter. I picked this topic because I for one am a Black Man and I want to learn and educate myself and other about this topic and why it’s important. The first question someone might have is what is Black Lives Matter to me Black Live matter is activist group fighting to put a end to unjust treatment that unarmed black men face by the police. BLM was founded in 2013 in the response of Trayvon martins murder, a black teenager who was wrongfully murder. The two articles that stood out to me in relation to BLM  was “The truth of ‘Black Lives Matter’  ” which was published on sept 3 2015 and discusses what message BLM intends to get out and how its received republican’s. Another article I have is “The Allies betrayal of George Floyd” in this article it explains how during the summer and  the recent black live matter protest their has been essentially ‘fake love’ one it became trendy they lost sight of the real issue. One of my main questions of this topic which I hope gets answered through my research this unit is How this matter impacts politics?, and what is end goal for this movement.