All across America students have many different experiences with their Education some are good, and some bad, but I believe through these experiences we become better students and better humans. Today I am going to be writing about three educational  experiences that were defining points in my educational journey.

My first Educational mishap comes at the end of 5th grade towards graduation, during elementary school I was a bad student I didn’t really care about school or how I was doing I just went cause it was fun, but I’m not all to blame looking back in hindsight my school had many problems with teaching, and creating a productive school environment where kid felt safe to learn. This behavioral pattern continued all through elementary so around may where many students began receiving letters of acceptance from middle schools I got worried because its been month since I submit my documents to the middle schools and I haven’t herd anything back, I wasn’t completely distraught because people were still getting letters from the schools I wanted to attend so I thought there was hope. Days before graduation I finally receive a letter from a school I was angry because the letter didn’t come from neither of the schools I applied to, but in my mind I remained calmed because this school could of been a blessing in disguise but turned out it was the complete opposite  the school I got accepted to was horrible they had low test score, low graduation rate, and after doing some research we(my mother an I) found out that this school was know for fighting and even had no windows like a prison. This was a very low point in my academic career but it was also a wake up call to focus on school more and maybe I would of attended a school of my choice, luckily after panicking the whole summer about what middle school I was attending my Aunt recommended me to a Catholic School which would change my life for the better.

A major moment in my Education that impacted who’ve I became was In middle school. Through ought middle school I had a rough time adapting to my new environment both culturally and academically this caused some struggles in my education because I was trying my hardest but never gained the results I wanted. During eighth I began trending in the right direction with my education for  I was improving in math my most challenging subject and building better student behavior like participating in class, handing in homework, and getting in less trouble. In my school there were these quarterly ceremonies where they awarded students for their great work from grades k-8 I had never one any award in my two years of being there, I hoped to achieve honor roll with the work I was doing but that was farfetched in my mind. Fast forward days before the new quarter my teacher  pulled me aside to talked to me I figured I was in trouble, but to my surprise she told me Her and the other teachers noticed the work I was putting to better my grades and said I would be receiving honor roll at the next ceremony, I was so happy and so shocked I even asked her did she have the wrong person but she reassured that it was me . Later on I told my whole family and most importantly my mom they were happy to see me finally doing good and I was happy to be recognized for something good. Later on a cold Monday it was finally the award ceremony I had got there at 8:30 and it had just started they had award all the the kids k-8 so it took a long time to get to my grade, but when I finally got there I was partly anxious and nervous but I was ready to receive the award one by on they called they called awards they finally got honor roll and there only two people getting awards so I begin to brace myself to  walk up on stage, they called the first name It wasn’t me I got really nervous because I thought I would go first but I was not completely sad because there was one more name to be called the principal said the name and it was my friend I instantly stormed away in hurt I was I finally thought I was being congratulated for my work but instead I was embarrassed, I ended up getting honor roll on the last quarter but this moment made me want to work harder so I never ever get counted out again.

The Last and most recent academic moment occurred through my whole High school career and my first year of college. In High school I struggled with algebra from the very start and it followed me for many years. Ninth grade year I had an algebra teacher name Ms. Wong she was a great teacher but lacked vital skills that would be detrimental to my math career in High school. Ms. Wong struggled to control and maintain the class and she really didn’t know methods in which to regain that control so she began to only attend to half of the class and only go over things once and even at one point she wouldn’t even teach and just give us assignments this and my horrible priors in math led to me failing the ninth grade algebra regents there this quote that say “We were empty bank accounts and it was our teacher’s responsibility to deposit facts” I agreed I feel like my teacher didn’t fulfill this responsibility . The failing  of that regents led to a downward spiral where they would began demanding me to retake the algebra 1 regents without properly teaching me how to do algebra at one point I was failing so much I just stop showing up for the test because I knew the end result would be me failing. This behavior continued on for the rest of High school ultimately my senior I passed just enough so I can graduate. My algebra path followed me to my first year of college where I failed my entrance exam, This put me in a bad predicament where  either I was money on remedial classes or I attend math start and gain math proficiency I chose math start. This is where I gained new light I learned math from the bottom up again an it felt good to finally understand the work that was being put in front of me. Later I ended of retaking the exam and passing it with flying colors and I had a sense of relive that I was finally on the right track.

To conclude this story looking back I’ve faced many obstacles in my educational career some created by me and some I dealt to me but through all these experiences it helped shape me to become a much better student and person it also showed me characteristic I didn’t know I had in me like when I finally re learned algebra I never thought in a million years that would happen but it did.