As I was new to new york and it was my first day in middle school I was very excited and at the same time nervous as I walked into class everything was going well and I liked it then the teacher told everyone to introduce themselves I was like ok that’s pretty good so as everyone started introducing themself and I was enjoying it, but then all of the sudden it’s was my turn so I started introducing my self and all of the sudden everyone started laughing because I pronounced something wrong so I got very nervous and the student starts making fun of me time to time then I said to myself i have to improve my English, so i started going to my local library and started socializing with people as I liked. My teacher was really nice to she helped me improve my English she always checked up on me if I needed help every day she gave me some sentences to write that helped me improve my English and also she told me if your English is weak didn’t mean you are dumb she said you already on next lever by knowing two languages so let people tell you are not smart enough.