How to read like a writer is an essay written by Mike Bunn providing various amounts of information and techniques throughout the reading about how to read like a writer. Trough ought the text Mike gave some insightful points but the one that stood out too me the most is what questions you should ask yourself before you start reading. I think this important step because in reading like a writer because some questions can give you a better understanding into the insight of writer and the message they are  conveying through their text like “in what Genre is this written”, this is a great question to ask yourself because it can change you approach in the way you read and understand the information an example of this is when Mike said this” I think a lot of the way I read, of course, depends on the type of text that I’m reading’ ‘ . To conclude this summary I think this was one of the many techniques that resonated with me in this text because I feel it is important to ask question before to help your approach to help read like a writer.