• Read Bunn, “How to Read Like a Writer”
  •  https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/writingspaces2/bunn–how-to-read.pdf
  •   Share your annotations. In your accompanying post, explain what you found interesting.
  •  Post 3 important ideas from the article, in your own words
  •  Finish your tarantula paragraphs.
  • Finish working on your introductions
  • 1. try to understand the story behind the writing you have to go behind it you have to understand the feeling behind it and understand what the writer is going through reading is a step by step process word by the word read to learn about writing try to understand how everything is put together and what it makes you feel like and what is about it that is giving you a certain feeling. The author says if the architecture is constructing a building read the book like you are gonna build your own building. look at the book like architecture look at the building. reading is also about making series of choices and you learn from those chooses and their result this lets you figure out if you want to make these choices  and also you learn how to deal with them by look at how the author did it. Before you even read the book you have to ask yourself some question and you have to try to answer them before you even read the books this will help you better understand the book the questions are what is the author’s purpose what is the autor is really writing this book for and for what kind of person the author is writing for and who are the readers.